
Diverging financial pressures are putting untold strain on common pay and pension arrangements. As recent pay awards constrain richer universities’ ability to reward their staff as they see fit while pushing others into further strife, might a breaking point be close? Tom Williams reports 

10 October

Providing a pathway from little-known community colleges to highly acclaimed universities, America's credit transfer system is internationally admired for driving social mobility and offering a vital ‘second chance’ for late bloomers. But opaque and complex university rules are undermining one of US higher education’s great achievements, argue Lauren Schudde and Huriya Jabbar.

10 October

Junior scholars are urged to do all they can to build bridges with the people who can give them jobs and promotions. But how calculating should they be about who to approach? How should they do it? And isn’t it all a bit grubby? Six established academics explain their perspectives

12 September

A new law permitting foreign universities to set up Greek outposts is seen by some as a first step to transforming a very statist system. But with doubts over the law’s constitutionality compounding the usual uncertainties of overseas ventures, will there be much interest, asks Emily Dixon

29 August

Diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives have come under sustained attack from the political right, resulting in the shuttering of DEI offices and curbs on teaching and research. With affirmative action also banned, how might universities continue to support minority students and staff, asks Paul Basken

1 August

Campuses around the world have been rocked by protests calling for financial divestment from companies linked to Israel. But while boycotts have a long history in academia, some believe that universities themselves would be better advised to keep out of politics entirely. Patrick Jack reports

A decade of rule by the Hindu-nationalist BJP has seen a combustible mixture of technocratic reform and political interference in higher education. But the party’s below-par showing in this month’s general election has left some academics daring to hope for quieter days ahead. Helen Packer reports

20 June

No British public university has ever had to close its doors, but funding pressures are leading to vast numbers of redundancies and fuelling dire warnings that some institutions are close to the edge. So what would a collapse actually mean for students, staff and wider economies? John Morgan reports

Universities are struggling financially amid frozen domestic fees and growing political hostility to international students. But while the public finances are stretched, July’s general election could allow a policy reset. In the second of two articles (read part one here), three senior figures suggest what a new government might realistically do

Universities are struggling financially amid frozen domestic fees and growing political hostility to international students. But while the public finances are stretched, July’s general election could allow a policy reset. In the first of two articles (part two here), four senior figures suggest what a new government might realistically do

The importance of senior faculty advising junior colleagues on their career trajectories is increasingly emphasised. But is guidance – and the giving of it – being fairly shared? Should mentoring schemes be formalised? And are they really enough? Seven academics have their say

Anglophone scepticism about the value of language study had been rising for many years before anyone had heard of Duolingo or ChatGPT. But while some academics believe technology will kill off universities’ remaining language departments, others dare to hope it will be their saviour. Patrick Jack reports

25 April

England’s Department for Education has deaccredited some universities while approving a range of alternative providers and strictly defining course contents. But while defenders hail an evidence-based push for quality, others decry a level of political overreach that could spread to other disciplines

11 April

The Universities Accord has underlined the importance of Australian universities that cater to non-traditional students. But getting that provision right is not easy when your every move has major implications across the regional economy. John Ross reports from the island state

28 March

Two years on from Russia’s invasion, displaced institutions are still teaching in temporary premises and online, while many researchers work abroad. But with a host of urgent quality problems to overcome, is it time for Ukraine’s academic diaspora to come home? Emily Dixon reports

14 March

Innovations such as wearable tech and mobile apps are expected to revolutionise healthcare and generate fortunes. But which researchers and institutions are taking their 10,000 steps, and what should those steps be? To coincide with THE’s Digital Health Summit at Stanford, Jack Grove examines Clarivate’s data and talks to those going the extra mile

28 February

International student recruitment comes under scrutiny for raising immigration figures, but it is also valued for fostering allies among future global leaders. Yet if it really does so, why are the West’s largest source countries, China and India, becoming less Western-friendly? Patrick Jack reports

1 February

While UK universities are starting to address the challenges faced by new mothers, combining parenthood and academia remains a difficult task. Five writers give their experience of what institutions are getting right and wrong in supporting academic mums

From satirical novels to US sitcoms and cop shows, academics have proved to be rich source material across many genres. Four writers argue the case for who can claim to be fiction’s greatest scholar

4 January

Long-frozen, loan-funded tuition fees are neither covering course costs nor, arguably, fairly recognising the benefits of higher education to society and employers. But is there an alternative that is politically and economically viable in a likely UK general election year? John Morgan reports

4 January

With academics feeling the strain from higher workloads, the days when scholars had time to write novels or run businesses seem increasingly distant. Lincoln Allison suggests that universities have far more to gain than to lose by allowing their academics to broaden their experience and earn extra income

7 December

The special administrative region’s status as an international crossroads has been severely shaken by the National Security Law and stringent Covid lockdowns. But sector leaders remain buoyant about boosting ‘non-local’ recruitment – and not just from China. Pola Lem reports

26 October

From dedicating time for brainstorming to taking inspiration from their dog, five writers explain how they are changing their approach to academia and life as another academic year begins in the northern hemisphere

12 October

Amid concerns about value for money and the supposed liberal bias of certain humanities and social science subjects, conservative politicians are increasingly intervening in curricular decisions. Do such subjects still have a place at public universities – and who should get to decide, asks Paul Basken

12 October

Canada’s Liberal government swept to power eight years ago promising to undo the damage inflicted by the previous Harper regime. However, after a big early funding spike for basic research, there is a growing sense of drift – and mounting concern about the future. Paul Basken reports

20 July