Who wins?
Paul Seedhouse University of York pks3@york.ac.uk Stevan Harnad writes that the only expenses involved in producing electronic academic journals are editing expenses. He says that since authors "gain...
Paul Seedhouse University of York pks3@york.ac.uk Stevan Harnad writes that the only expenses involved in producing electronic academic journals are editing expenses. He says that since authors "gain...
Andrew Odlyzko amo@research.att.comftp://netlib.att.com/netlib/att/math/odlyzko/tragic.loss .Z The crucial issue is costs. Princeton University in the United States is paying around $20 million per...
Steve Halliday IT manager, School of Oriental and African Studies Peer review is likely to change. Individuals will put up publications, they will be challenged, defended, perhaps modified and...
Our debate between Stevan Harnad and Steve Fuller on electronic publishing (Multimedia, May 12) was taken up vigorously and soon branched out into at least half a dozen separate threads. Edward...
How do you begin to find what you want on the Net? Delia Venables provides some starting points. What will I find on the Internet of interest to me? This is a difficult question to answer, since...
A database which holds contents information on more than 17,000 journals is available from the UnCover welcome page at http://www.carl.org/ uncover/unchome.html.
HyperJournal-forum is a discussion list devoted to electronic journals. The list has 870 subscribers, most of whom have a professional interest in the future of electronic publishing in an academic...
Knight-Ridder Information Services has introduced an easy-to-use Windows interface for its Datastar service, but not yet for its other major online information service, Dialog. Datastar gives access...
Thames Valley University has installed an Australian video distribution system which staff first saw in action at Hong Kong Polytechnic. All tapes, laser discs and other media are mounted in a...
A perl script that allows Webmasters to set up a "leave a comment" feature on their servers, Blah!Blah!,is available on a Web site now. It has been written by Nick Phillips for a Windows NT server...
InterCon Systems Corporation has launched the Shark family of complete Internet access products. The Shark family, which includes NetShark, a complete suite of Internet access software for Macintosh...
The University of St Andrew's is to modernise its library management system with a Digital Alpha AXP 1000 server running Libertas. The application is GUI-based and provides enhanced stock utilisation...
TecQuipment Ltd, which specialises in engineering teaching equipment, has released a bench-top module which provides hands-on experience of purpose-designed fuzzy logic control equipment. The CE124...
Middlesex University has chosen the Horizon client/server automation system from Dynix for its library. The new service will site 100 OPAC workstation clients for around 18,000 students on six sites...
In order to train students to use all the high-technology gear in its library, Aston University has installed yet more technology. The Didacnet software enables a tutor to monitor a group of students...