That New World spat in full
The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of the American Revolution
The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of the American Revolution
Martin Luther King, Jr - I've Got the Light of Freedom
Rich Relations
The Physics of Stars - The Stars
Social Policy in the United States
Lyndon Johnson Confronts the World - Joe Alsop's Cold War - Self-Rule - America's Mission
A revolution ignores moral issues at its peril, argue Simon Rogerson and Terrell Ward Bynum. Computing technology is the most powerful and flexible technology ever devised. For this reason it is...
Tony Durham meets Kevin Kelly, Wired editor and machine lover. Packing more technology than Popular Mechanics, while vying with i-D or GQ in the style stakes, Wired magazine seems a long road indeed...
Cambridge is more bound culturally to elitism and the pursuit of excellence than egalitarianism but it is about to embark on a tentative electronic experiment in that direction. The city's MP, Anne...
What do you call 500 computers at the bottom of the ocean? Most academics would say: "a damned good start!". That is understandable. They have quite enough on their plates without having to worry...
Helena Flusfeder on what the boycott of a conference in Israel means for ITlinks with the Middle East. The Arab stay-away from last month's Joint European Networking Conference in Tel Aviv prevented...
John Bonner reports on how a museum put the Stone Age on the Net. Have you ever wanted to know how to make an axe from a lump of flint? You can find out while motoring along the information...
Mike Holderness finds a deeper message in the fun of electronic learning. You might say (OK, I will say) that the new playful semi-irreverent banter found on this Internet discussion list will save...
Peter Sommer says that the biggest security problem for academic computers is neither hackers nor viruses but how to devolve control and responsibility. The word Internet has many different...
Edward Vielmetti Ann Arbor MI emv@Mail.Coast.NET Having once believed a bit too strongly in the myth of the Internet as a tool for transcending space and time, I am now of the opinion - having...