The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Scourge of Tax Havens, by Gabriel Zucman

Richard Murphy praises a bold effort to halt tax-dodging by the 1 per cent

十一月 5, 2015
Boats docked in Port Hercule, Monaco
Source: Cedric SF
No more under-the-radar movements: creating a global database of assets and wealth would mean that the rich, in Monaco or anywhere else, would pay a fair share of taxes

Any book that promises to offer (according to Thomas Piketty, who contributes the book’s foreword) “the first serious economic research” into tax haven activity inevitably invites us to judge it by that very high standard. In The Hidden Wealth of Nations, Gabriel Zucman makes just that claim. Although it is not wholly justified, nevertheless I can say unreservedly that this is an important work that anyone interested in tax havens, social justice, defeating inequality and delivering tax reform should read.

Let me put this in context. Zucman, a French economist based at the University of California, Berkeley, is a part of a network of researchers that includes Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and others who have done valuable work on inequality, wealth, tax and the difficulties caused by the uneven distribution of capital resources in society. It is the reputation of this group that raises expectations for this book’s academic importance. Unfortunately, that’s also the level at which the book does not deliver.

At the most basic level, The Hidden Wealth of Nations is frustrating because it simply fails to define what a tax haven is. There is no excuse for this. I have written on this subject with my colleagues Ronen Palan and Christian Chavagneux, and we are not alone. For those uncomfortable with the term “tax haven”, as far back as 2009 I proposed an alternative definition of such states: “secrecy jurisdictions”. The latter term has become widely used in official discussions on this issue, and the Tax Justice Network now has a well-justified reputation for ranking such locations against a set of rigorous criteria in its Financial Secrecy Index; disappointingly, Zucman mentions none of this work. Anyone looking to his book for a literature review on tax havens will be disappointed: it simply is not there. This is a serious omission, not least because the work in question has been the foundation of the campaign to bring the tax haven issue to public attention, almost all of which has happened in the past decade with relatively limited academic support.

The reservations that I have about this book also extend to the estimate that Zucman offers on the funds held in tax havens and the tax that has been lost as result. The first concern to note is that his book is not the first serious economic assessment of wealth hidden in tax havens. Oxfam published one in 2000, I was co-author of another in 2005, and other non-governmental organisations have offered significant analyses since then. Together, these estimates have informed much of the debate on tax havens over the past 10 years. You could argue that these omissions in Zucman’s book simply underscore the fact that academia has come very late to this critical debate. None of this worries me that much; what does worry me, however, is that the estimate he offers is so limited.

Because he considers only bank deposits and readily marketed financial securities as offshore wealth, I think Zucman seriously underestimates the scale of offshore tax abuse. He admits to ignoring real estate property, the control of private companies, title to art and intellectual property as well as other tangible assets, all of which are widely owned offshore. In addition, he says that he ignores the fact that much of the capital offshore may itself have come from tax-evaded sources; moreover, he makes an estimate of the loss to offshore caused by the tax-avoiding activities of US companies and then fails to use it in his overall total. All this means that his estimates of offshore funds and the tax lost to them cannot help but be too low. I have campaigned against tax haven abuse for more than a decade, and I believe that both the figures Zucman suggests are way below the real sums. This is hugely frustrating, because it can only help the havens defend themselves against demands for reform.

However, and curiously, The Hidden Wealth of Nations redeems itself entirely when it moves beyond economic estimates and tax haven history (which it also gets wrong). Rather surprisingly, Zucman lays excellent claim to being a campaigner on tax havens in the second half of this book. What he suggests there makes a lot of sense, and is exactly why I so warmly recommend this book.

I do believe that the necessary data exist that would allow us to create a global register of financial asset wealth holding, as Zucman suggests is necessary. This is new thinking, and his suggestion of a practical and necessary step in the assembly of the data that will be needed to underpin the global wealth tax proposed by Piketty is a very welcome contribution to the debate.

Zucman is also right to note that rapid change on such issues is possible, and, indeed, has taken place in recent years. One example he gives is the success of the global movement towards automatic information exchange on account balances held in tax havens to the tax authorities of their rightful beneficial owners. I well recall being told by UK Treasury officials in June 2009 that this process, which I was calling for, would not happen in my lifetime. Such exchange commences next year, and I have every intention of witnessing it.

Similarly, I well recall the outright opposition to the form of multinational corporation accounting known as country-by-country reporting that I created in 2003, and, again, being told that this would never happen. But in September 2014, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development established it as a standard for international tax reporting by those companies.

The reason for making these points is twofold: first, both attest to the pace of change in this area, defying all expectations in the process. Second, country-by-country reporting can form the foundation for the unitary method of taxation of multinational corporations that Zucman proposes. This is unsurprising, as I had designed country-by-country reporting with that intention in mind.

This point on country-by-country reporting is important. All taxation is dependent on being able to find where the asset to be taxed is located. Country-by-country reporting permits any tax authority to determine what proportion of the sales, employees and assets of a multinational corporation are located in its jurisdiction. Having done so, it can then, by apportioning global profits using a weighted formula based on these essential indicators of real economic presence in their country, estimate how much profit of that company is likely to have really arisen in, and so be taxable in, their jurisdiction. If this were done now, corporate tax scandals, such as that of Facebook paying just £4,327 of corporation tax in the UK in 2014 when it is likely to have been highly profitable in this country, would come to an end.

Similarly, if a global register of wealth could be established, the data needed to tax global wealth would have been created. I share Zucman’s belief that this is possible.

It is because Zucman takes the courageous step of moving beyond academia to being an activist committed to promoting a new and radical solution that he has unambiguously (even if cautiously) identified, that I welcome this book. Far too few academics are willing to take on the role of the public intellectual who steps up and demands action to address a problem that they have identified. Zucman deserves full marks for doing so, even if I wish he had got more of his definitions and history right and had been a little more courageous when it came to making his estimates. All the data he needed are there to use. I am hoping for a second, expanded edition of this book that would move The Hidden Wealth of Nations to the forefront of offshore-wealth scholarship.

Richard Murphy is professor of practice in international political economy, City University London, a UK chartered accountant and director of Tax Research LLP. He is author of The Joy of Tax (2015) and co-author, with Ronen Palan and Christian Chavagneux, of Tax Havens: The True Story of Globalisation (2010). In 2013, International Tax Review named him the seventh most influential person in international tax.

The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Scourge of Tax Havens
By Gabriel Zucman
Translated by Teresa Lavender Fagan
University of Chicago Press, 200pp, £14.00
ISBN 9780226245423 and 5560 (e-book)
Published 26 October 2015

The author

Author Gabriel ZucmanGabriel Zucman lives in Berkeley, California, with his “wonderful wife Claire, a talented economist and the most generous person on Earth”.

Now assistant professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, he was born and raised in Paris, which he says made him “interested in politics at a young age. It shaped my view of economics: to me a big part of studying economics is finding out how to improve policies, how to make society work better.”

As a child, he “read a lot; my parents and teachers encouraged me, but at a certain point even my parents thought it was too much: when we visited Pompeii on a holiday, they would lament that all I was interested in was reading War and Peace”.

He took his undergraduate degree at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, where he was, he recalls, “gregarious”. He and his friends “created a review, Regards croisés sur l’économie, aimed at bridging the gap between academic research and the general public in France. It was a great collective adventure.”

As a graduate of a grande école and a scholar of inequality, does he believe that these elite institutions perpetuate privilege?

“In some senses, France’s higher education still belongs to the 19th century: there is a lot of money devoted to training a small elite (largely drawn from privileged families), and way too few resources for the rest,” he observes.

“There are great success stories like the Paris, Toulouse and Aix-Marseille Schools of Economics, Sciences Po, and other places. But it is fundamental that France increases the fraction of GDP devoted to higher education overall.”

Zucman has also worked at the London School of Economics as an assistant professor. Has he found any any notable points of similarity between the LSE, Berkeley and the French universities he spent time at? “All the institutions I’ve attended are incredible places. They share many things in common: they are research institutions, with world-famous economists and a passion for intellectual debate, in vibrant places (Paris, London, the Bay Area).”

The foreword to The Hidden Wealth of Nations was written by Thomas Piketty, Zucman’s doctoral advisor at the Paris School of Economics. What does Zucman think of the worldwide attention paid to Piketty’s weighty 2014 best-seller, Capital in the 21st Century?

“It has become a huge success because inequality is one of the defining challenges of our time. His book brings together an enormous amount of research that is directly relevant for thinking about this challenge. And although it is long, it was written for a broad audience.”

Of his aims for his own book, Zucman says simply: “I wanted to write a book that people would read and enjoy reading from the first word to the very last.

How old will he have to be before people cease to exclaim at how much he has achieved at such an early age? Zucman, who last week turned 29, replies wryly, “Oh, I think they’ve already stopped!”

Karen Shook


Print headline: Flush out the cash caches



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Reader's comments (12)

First two paragraphs: OK. They're preamble. Paragraph 3: The first problem with this book is that it doesn't copy my work. Here's a link to my website. Here's some explanation of my work. Paragraphs 4 & 5: The next problem with this book is that it doesn't copy my work. Here's some explanation of my work. Paragraph 6: Another problem with this book is that the author disagrees with me about something else. However, it turns out the book's actually rather good because the author campaigns on my side of my pet cause. Paragraph 7: Another good thing about this book is that the author makes a suggestion I approve of. Paragraph 8: Yet another good thing about this book is that the author agrees with me about another thing. He even gives an example that enables me to talk about how right I am. Paragraph 9: Which reminds me of some other stuff I am right about. Paragraph 10: I'm talking about how right I am because one of the things the author is right about can work thanks to me and my ideas. Paragraph 11: Here's some explanation of my beliefs. Paragraph 12: I agree with the author where he agrees with me. Paragraph 13: Academics are wrong when they don't copy me. But this academic is copying me, so he is better than other academics. However, he didn't copy me enough, so he really needs to rewrite his book with more of my ideas in it.
It seems unfair that Professor Murphy is unable to delete comments on here from rightwingers, neoliberal trolls and other undesirables as he does so freely on his own Tax Research UK blog.
I look forward to Richard Murphy's autobiography. This epigrammatic version is sailing under the flag of convenience of a book review which seems a pity.
So, Gabriel Zucman has failed in his research, but has scored points for activism. Or has taken on "the role of public intellectual", as Prof Murphy prefers. Murphy may wish to consider whether such inaccuracy really deserves to be warmly recommended. Zucman is a dish though!
"I do believe that the necessary data exist that would allow us to create a global register of financial asset wealth holding, as Zucman suggests is necessary." Even if possible, then what? How would we enforce this globally? What court would settle disputes? The scope for corruption? Not every country in the world is a mature Western democracy.
Thanks for flagging up this book. Aside from his being ridiculously young, it's impressive that the author has crammed his subject into just 200 pages - at that length all us non-financial-experts who didn't get as far as they wished with Thomas Piketty's huge book might even fancy tackling this one. I wonder if it's the book's short length that is responsible for its (apparent) failure to mention all the previous research the reviewer thinks should have been cited - although the increasing trend not to have bibliographies in serious books makes me wonder if that's to blame as well. It's heartening that two experts, author and reviewer, think it's possible to create a global register of assets. You'll forgive me for thinking there are a lot of important people who take an entirely different view of its likelihood or desirability, but who knows, stranger things have happened. Interesting that Zucman was a former student of Piketty - I wonder how many more of his academic offspring are going to publish books that start to be part of the conversation outside the academic world as well as within.
On reading this "critique" I can only wonder how many mirrors the good Prof owns.
An excellent idea to get 0.2*Prof Murphy to review this book, he is a renowned expert in this field and it is a shame he didn't say so in the review. His areas of expertise include: - Running manufacturing companies in Ireland to dodge UK tax - License Canadian IP from Barbados - Advise how to incorporate your nanny to save tax - Use an LLP to avoid personal NI - Non payment of council tax on annexes and much more!
On first reading Mr Murphy's credentials sound impressive but I've since discovered that his 'professorial' title was given to him only recently and that for teaching one small part an undergraduate course one day a week! And as for 'Director of Tax Research LLP", this turns out to be an LLP consisting of him and his wife, who takes no part in the business and no employees. Who is he director of? himself? Besides, Mr Murphy seems so full of himself I don't see why he needs any titles at all. His critique of the book leaves me none the wiser as to what the book is about and how well written or researched it is. All we have is a self-reverential homage to himself.
"Use an LLP to avoid personal NI" Well to defend Mr Murphy, he isn't using an LLP to avoid personal NI. It's Employers' NI that is avoided by using an LLP. If you want to avoid personal NI you would use a company and pay yourself dividends. Mr Murphy used to do this too but not any more.
On his own blog (which links here), the good Professor refutes the suggestion that this review is over-focused on his own body of work: <blockquote>Theophrastus says: November 6 2015 at 5:04 pm I am afraid the review was more about you, Richard, than Zucman’s book. Richard Murphy says: November 6 2015 at 9:19 pm THE were happy with it They could have said they weren’t I did, in fact, follow their guidelines </blockquote> In fact the whole of Professor Murphy's blog is worth reading, particulalry for his aphorisms in the comments section ("That's the last time you post here"). And for a viewpoint from a slightly different angle, Mr Tim Worstall of the Adam Smith Institute also writes a blog, which can be found here Mr Worstall regularly addresses points raised by Professor Murphy under the tag "Ragging on Ritchie".
My previous comment tidied a little On his own blog (which links here), the good Professor refutes the suggestion that this review is over-focused on his own body of work: Theophrastus says: November 6 2015 at 5:04 pm I am afraid the review was more about you, Richard, than Zucman’s book. Richard Murphy says: November 6 2015 at 9:19 pm THE were happy with it They could have said they weren’t I did, in fact, follow their guidelines In fact the whole of Professor Murphy's blog is worth reading, particulalry for his aphorisms in the comments section ("That's the last time you post here"). And for a viewpoint from a slightly different angle, Mr Tim Worstall of the Adam Smith Institute also writes a blog, which can be found here Mr Worstall regularly addresses points raised by Professor Murphy under the tag "Ragging on Ritchie".