Nursing research centre set for launch
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is joining forces with the Royal College of Nursing to set up a new policy centre for nursing research. Nick Black, reader in public health medicine...
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is joining forces with the Royal College of Nursing to set up a new policy centre for nursing research. Nick Black, reader in public health medicine...
Andrew Robinson, literary editor of The THES, has won the 1994 Outstanding Publication Award of the Association of Earth Science Editors for his book EarthShock, published by Thames and Hudson.
Lecturers' union Natfhe says a test case has established key safeguards for university staff jobs threatened when courses are franchised. In the case of a University of Humberside lecturer, who lost...
Local authority associations are seeking ministerial approval for national guidelines on issuing discretionary awards to students, as more are threatened by council cuts. Further and higher education...
Three governors sacked by education secretary Gillian Shephard from Wilmorton College, Derby, have called off their legal threat to the Further Education Funding Council. They abandoned a plan to...
The key part played by alcohol in the lives of first-year students has been highlighted by research showing non-drinkers have the most problems settling into university. A study at Hull and Essex...
Natfhe, the lecturers' union, has called for the law to be changed to provide for larger, more representative, and more accountable university governing bodies. It has also proposed a higher...
Red roses woven into a figure 16 became the mascot of a lobby of parliament this week as students protested that the age of consent for gay and bisexual men was still discriminatory. The lobby,...
One year after South Africa's first all-race elections, Nelson Mandela's government is urging universities and tecknikons - historically differentiated by race - to transform themselves in their...
The Educational Institute of Scotland has challenged the Government's Pounds 2 million teacher mentor scheme, set for Scottish secondary schools this autumn. The EIS says there is no educational case...
Increased joint ventures by universities north and south of the border have been suggested by the London and Dublin governments. The framework document for future political development between the...
The long-awaited report by the National Audit Office on irregularities in the Student Loans Company has been held up because auditors have been unable to quiz Ron Harrison, chief executive, due to...
An "army of gypsy professors" is wandering the United States, unable to find full-time employment because higher education is too bottom-heavy, the American Association for the Advancement of Science...
The decision by the universities of Oxford and Cambridge to disassociate themselves from the United Oxford and Cambridge University Club, because of what they call its "offensive" and "discriminatory...
The Government call for the completion of the national vocational framework has today been answered by the publication by the Employment Department of its long-awaited strategy paper on higher level...