Salvage from a wreck
Georg Lukacs
Georg Lukacs
LINDA McDOWELL on Mike Davis's City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles It is incongruous, I know, but I always wanted to be Philip Marlowe, striding down those mean streets, unattached,...
The New Great Transformation: - The Balkanization of the West:
Uncertain Partners
Recasting Conservatism
Our Global Neighbourhood: - Utopia Lost:
Rainy days' CASH A team of environmental scientists from the University of Hertfordshire is seeking sponsorship for an eight-week expedition to the rain forest of Guyana in South America. They aim to...
UNIVERSITY OF NORTHUMBRIA DCL: Claus Moser, chairman of the British Museum Development Trust, chancellor of Keele University and former chairman of the Research Committee of the National Commission...
UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD Research contracts Professor P. York, Pounds 98,433 from Roche, Pfizer and Smith Kline Beecham (investigative studies into particle formation processes and crystal engineering...
KUBA TEXTILES The Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, is presenting an exhibition of Kuba textiles which will feature early and recent examples, as well as a collection made by Wilfred Thesiger's father when...
Paul Wilkinson praises the army and RUC's role in countering terrorism. The United Kingdom has experienced the most protracted and lethal of all indigenous terrorist campaigns in western Europe, the...
Igor Aleksander was invited to a Californian multidisciplinary conference, or was it a three-day dinner party? My invitation to speak arrived last July and, somewhat flattered by the promise of "big...
In the 1980s Britain went indicator mad. Every institution was subjected to the attentions of managers and auditors compiling new performance indicators to set budgets, measure progress and turn the...
While I find John Taylor's argument (THES, March 3) interesting and although I share an interest in neural network techniques, I cannot agree that we are on the verge of a breakthrough in...
St Antony's College was singled out in an article about the Graduate Student Charter (THES, March 3) as an example of a graduate college where some dissatisfaction exists regarding university...