Sociology's malaise
May I say, as a now formally retired sociologist, how very much I agree with David Walker's criticism of the profession. What we have now are, on the one hand, so-called policy oriented quantitative...
May I say, as a now formally retired sociologist, how very much I agree with David Walker's criticism of the profession. What we have now are, on the one hand, so-called policy oriented quantitative...
David Walker's periodic laments for the condition of sociology rarely receive the serious response that they deserve (THES, March 17). I think, though, that three comments might be made about his...
Battle with CBI on intellectual rights" states that "universities should have complete initial control of intellectual property rights on collaborative research projects, says the Higher Education...
Are vice chancellors overpaid? Probably not compared with those in equivalent jobs. But they are well paid and their staff are not. This disparity causes jealousy and friction. There is also still...
A five-week strike by students aimed at highlighting their harsh financial circumstances has ended at Rennes 2 University in Brittany. The students were demanding the withdrawal of government reform...
Comments, (THES, March 17), about Roger Ward, chief executive of the Colleges Employers Forum, ignored the fact that he has struck hard-won deals on flexible contracts and pay with ACM, ATL and...
Sitting in front of a row of MPs this month was Sir Walter Bodmer, a geneticist who is director of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and chairman of the Committee on the Public Understanding of...
The Wellcome Trust, in justifying its decision to fund more research outside the United Kingdom, uses a motley collection of arguments: some research in biomedical sciences is better done elsewhere:...
Disappointment with the role of many east European great universities in the reform of higher education has been expressed by Lord Dahrendorf, warden of St Anthony's College, Oxford. Speaking in...
Britain and Israel have announced an increase in support for a bilateral science and technology research fund. Following last week's meeting between prime ministers John Major and Yitzhak Rabin, a...
Quality monitoring processes in Australia's public universities have improved markedly over the past 12 months, according to the government's quality audit committee. In its second report since 1993...
The University of Swaziland has become the focus of a political storm which has little to do with academe but may jeopardise future government funding of higher education in the small kingdom....
Nelson Mandela has accused vice chancellors at historically white South African universities of "racism in reverse" for allowing unruly black students to disrupt campuses. His comments came as a...
American millionaires who donate large sums of money to their alma maters are increasingly doing so with strings attached. So the decision of Texas billionaire Lee Bass to give $20 million (Pounds 13...
A Bill approved by the United States House of Representatives economic and educational opportunities committee, will prevent legal immigrants who have not applied for citizenship from qualifying for...