Labour's avenues of liaison
I was entertained to read in "Meeting of minds off MPs' agenda" (THES, April 7) a suggestion that I did not meet regularly with my local university. In fact, I meet regularly with both the University...
I was entertained to read in "Meeting of minds off MPs' agenda" (THES, April 7) a suggestion that I did not meet regularly with my local university. In fact, I meet regularly with both the University...
Mike Fitzgerald says that some universities would be better off moving "to a European semester system" unhampered by Christian festivals (THES, April 7). This is timely as the theme of the May...
Before I began my humanities degree, I had some vague but heart-felt notion that I wanted to return to education to "improve" myself and in some sense I believed that my course could give me more...
The more effort British universities devote to the problems of the developing world, the better. But is the plan for the Natural Resources Institute, the research arm of the Overseas Development...
The voices of part-time students are rarely heard. Occasionally the national annual conference of the National Union of Students hears about part-timers, usually - along with further education and...
Local communities are learning lightning-fast. In city halls and county chambers from Cornwall to Cumbria and beyond, it is almost de rigeur for the dynamic, go-far councillor to propose plans for a...
* Twenty-five corpses were found on the campus during clean-up operations by volunteers in preparation for the re-opening, Vera Rich writes. Two mass graves had previously been discovered next to a...
Kabul University reopened this month but no students and few lecturers were at the formal ceremony in the Afghan capital. The mood was more optimistic, however, than at the time of the last re-...
A fire at Nigeria's leading university has destroyed thousands of books and other documents on philosophy, theatre arts and Arabic and Islamic studies. Among material lost were dissertations...
Years of research into educational statistics have just produced the first comprehensive education atlas of South Africa, to be used by planners as they begin the urgent task of upgrading and...
A New South Wales magistrate last week became the first aborigine and black woman to be installed chancellor of an Australian university. Pat O'Shane, a prominent advocate of women, aborigines and...
The two factors set to sway the outcome of the first round of voting in the French elections this Sunday are the youth vote and the level of abstention, according to political analysts here. Student...
Students facing allegations of breaking campus codes on political correctness in the United States will receive a helping hand from an organisation designed to "preserve free speech and free thought...
New York State's education department is investigating a complaint that the policy at Cornell University of reserving halls of residence for members of racial groups violates the law. The complaint...
The director of Hong Kong's Open Learning Institute has been appointed to run the Commonwealth of Learning, set up by Commonwealth governments in 1988 to encourage wider international access to...