NVQs and the innovators
May I clarify the concept of "innovation" as it affects NVQs, which was commented on in the letters by Swindlehurst and Larcombe (THES, May 12) and by Carter (May 5). Innovation is not the same as...
May I clarify the concept of "innovation" as it affects NVQs, which was commented on in the letters by Swindlehurst and Larcombe (THES, May 12) and by Carter (May 5). Innovation is not the same as...
Steven Rose: Evolution is a fact; natural selection is a theory about how evolution occurs. But there are many factors that lead to evolutionary change and natural selection - and competition for...
Having written a grammar and a phonology of an extant unwritten European language, I found David Charter's piece (THES, April 21) of interest. Istro Rumanian is spoken by fewer than 1,000 natives of...
Sigmund Freud's ideas may be somewhat discredited, but still we dream. What are dreams for really? And what is the future of oneirology, the study of dreams? Anthony Stevens, a well-known analyst,...
Accreditation for nearly two-thirds of post-masters education research diplomas risk non-renewal this year in French universities. The routine springtime review of research diplomas, diplomes d'...
Walk into a bookshop and you cannot avoid the apocalyptic claim that Darwinism is about to crumble to the ground. But ask almost any biologist and you will be told that Darwinism has never been so...
This summer The THES will be exploring the intellectual impact of the new Darwinism. Here, Aisling Irwin describes how these ideas are having an effect beyond biology, while overleaf Brian Goodwin...
Your leader, "Neglected and patronised" (THES, May 12), helpfully draws attention to the importance for older people of adult education, and especially of the non-certificated provision which is...
Dominic Cadbury, as an officer of the CBI, is clearly not a disinterested observer of the debate on higher education funding. In previous generations the same professional employees would mostly lack...
Am I alone in finding Dominic Cadbury's arguments on funding (THES, May 12) lacking logic? He says that employers pay twice for higher education; through contributions to general taxation and "...
Jon Turney asserts in his review (THES, May 12) that he has at least one sentence which is non-contentious as it is based on "an incontrovertible biological fact". Perhaps he is optimistic. A new...
David Salt falls into the same trap as Roger Penrose when attempting to understand connectionist software, when he suggests that the algorithms are a limitation to computer systems simulating the...
Yes, we do have the technology! (THES, May 12, Antithesis, "Post haste"). A selection of the first images from ATSR-2 is available on the World Wide Web at URL http://atsrw3.ag.rl.ac:uk:80/atsr2/....
Niamh Bhreathnach, the Irish education minister, has promised consultations before she issues a position paper on the likely shape of legislation for the university sector. A White Paper on education...
A storm has broken out in Aachen over the Nazi past of one of its university's former rectors. Hans Schwerte has confessed that he really was Hans Ernst Schneider, a member of the "Ahnenerbe"...