If universities want top research, they must allow people to fail
The new REF rules allow greater scope to aim for the (four) stars. But who will embrace the risk of crashing to Earth, asks Matthew Flinders
The new REF rules allow greater scope to aim for the (four) stars. But who will embrace the risk of crashing to Earth, asks Matthew Flinders
Universities could be marked down on research culture if a handful of researchers dominate submissions, says research assessment officials
Universities operating in difficult environments can have more of an impact by pooling resources, summit hears
Reports that Rishi Sunak could sign off Horizon membership next week after Brussels and Whitehall officials reach cost consensus
Claire Coutinho argues the free speech act is already having impact on campuses and praises university leaders for response
Professors in global North should come south as temporary solution to immigration headaches, Rwandan ambassador tells event
Universities UK taskforce expected to report its findings later this summer
Institutions seek to remove barriers to ensure student mobility is open to more than just the ‘very privileged few’
Publisher’s replacement of editor-in-chief comes as it pushes for seven-fold increase in acceptances
Analysts are enthusiastic about microcredentials but unsure about their suitability in universities
Relocation would answer Milton Keynes’ call for an undergraduate university as competition and lifelong loan entitlement threaten distance learning modus operandi
Experts raise concern that US applicants will be forced to spin ‘sob stories’ about overcoming discrimination
Committee wants bystander training as regulatory condition and calls universities’ use of NDAs to silence victims in sex cases ‘disgraceful’
Some incidents are inevitable, but, as all security guards know, de-escalation is a lot less painful than the alternative, says George Bass
Influx of foreign investment brings opportunities to train skilled workers but institutions must adapt to capitalise