‘Serious shortcomings’ in EU research careers observatory plan
Learned societies question quality of data, mismatch to EU goals, choice of indicators and ignorance of social and political contexts used by planned monitoring tool
Learned societies question quality of data, mismatch to EU goals, choice of indicators and ignorance of social and political contexts used by planned monitoring tool
Such talk replaces pride of place with ‘know your place’. But if you want to see levelling up made flesh, come and meet our graduates, says John Raftery
The government would do much better to help educational institutions understand and prepare for future labour market shifts, says Rosalind Gill
Broken promises: Is Justin Trudeau failing Canadian science?
English regulator rejects most criticism of proposals, but acknowledges that it should consider an institution’s ability to pay before it finalises costs
Half of firsts cannot be explained by changes in prior attainment or choice of subject, sector regulator claims, although this is down from Covid-era peak
Canada’s Liberal government swept to power eight years ago promising to undo the damage inflicted by the previous Harper regime. However, after a big early funding spike for basic research, there is...
As students in many countries receive their final degree marks amid perennial concerns about grade inflation, three scholars reflect on their experiences of being pressured to mark more leniently,...
The research director of Harvard’s Shorenstein Centre on Media, Politics and Public Policy talks about growing up in an environment of aggressive scepticism, and then battling an academic culture...
Single department or minister should cover both teaching and research elements of universities, says Nicola Dandridge
Despite increasing agitation over fee freeze, politics around student support seen as weighing against lifting of cap
At risk to their careers, women teaching sciences shown in nationwide survey to be more willing to admit struggles with depression, poverty and attainment
Over 1,000 professors will get €30,000 a year to spend as they please as a remedy to the low success rates of national and international competitions
The good, the bad and the offbeat: the academy through the lens of the world’s media
The unravelling of internationalisation and academic freedom is likely to come with a repurposing of research to military ends, says Maria Yudkevich