French divided over Hippocratic-style oath for PhD graduates
September will see thousands of thesis defenders invited to swear oath to scientific ethics and integrity, but many remain sceptical of ritual’s value
September will see thousands of thesis defenders invited to swear oath to scientific ethics and integrity, but many remain sceptical of ritual’s value
There is near-universal dismay among scientists over continued delays to UK association to Horizon Europe. It is time to replace bean-counting with vision
Publishers of big journals ramp up efforts to ensure more transparency over what material has been fed into the likes of ChatGPT
The good, the bad and the offbeat: the academy through the lens of the world’s media
Revenue from Singapore venture crucial to ongoing sustainability, says Massey vice-chancellor
Admission to an Indian Institute of Technology is the prize every Indian school-leaver dreams of. But does the scramble for places prepare students well for higher study? Are the institutes’...
Once it becomes common knowledge that a UK master’s degree is worthless, the sector will be in trouble, says an anonymous academic
Freedom of Information request reveals that UK university leavers earning below the annual repayment threshold handed over £102.5 million last year
Greening of health research depends on goodwill and unfunded, uncoordinated efforts of individual researchers, according to study commissioned by Wellcome Trust
Former Mermaids trustee and trans activist Jacob Breslow says his gender studies colleagues should be ‘left to continue their vital teaching and research in peace’
Nearly 300 entries whittled down to 75 finalists ahead of inaugural ceremony
‘Not in a million years’ will English fee cap be raised during cost-of-living crisis, says minister, despite universities’ warnings on falling funding
Leading science funder warns institutions that faculty who mistreat staff can’t remain as grant supervisors
Deputies of Bulgaria’s Iliana Ivanova likely to have outsized influence on Horizon Europe and its successor, according to a national official unhappy that the planning process belongs to Brussels
As a small fish in a very big pond, New Zealand can ill afford to turn its back on its giant neighbours, academics warn