Galileo Galilei Institute becomes first in Europe devoted to theoretical particle physics

九月 20, 2005

Brussels, 19 Sep 2005

The inaugural conference marking the official opening of the Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI), the first European institute devoted to the theoretical particle physics, will take place in Florence, Italy, from 19 to 21 September.

The Galileo Galiei Institute was created by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and the University of Florence, with the purpose of organising and hosting small-scale workshops around theoretical particle physics in its broadest sense. The fundamental aim of these workshops will be to foster the exchange of ideas among participants and encourage collaborations that will influence the development of theoretical physics.

It is expected that the Institute will also have a prime role to play in training young researchers. Various institutes for theoretical physics already work along similar lines, hosting distinguished researchers from all over the world for extended periods. The new Institute hopes to fill a gap by providing a European institution focused on the physics of fundamental interactions.

Each workshop will have a typical duration of two to three months and be devoted to a specific topic at the forefront of current research. It will host around 20 participants to be selected from among those most active in this field.

The activities of the institute will be jointly organised by a scientific and an advisory committee, It is located on the historic hill of Arcetri, near the house where Galileo spent long periods of his life and where he died. The first workshop, entitled 'New directions beyond the standard model in field and string theory', will take place in May-June 2006, and will focus on the beginning of the experimental program of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, in Geneva, planned for 2007. The second workshop will take place from September to November 2006, and will be devoted to the new frontiers in 'astroparticle' physics and cosmology.

For further information, please visit the following website:

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