Kyungpook National University

Kyungpook National University aims to balance research and education as an institute where foundation studies and applied sciences develop together through communication and fusion.
- RESEARCH: Kyyungpook National University, with an achievement of ranking 1st place for a national university to be awarded with research funds! With outstanding research achievements ranking 7th place in Korea, it is responsible for developing the region’s industry by utilizing the research skills of the university while fostering professional technicians and advanced talents.
- KNU GLOBAL NETWORKS : Kyungpook National University is actively engaged in exchanges such as mutual exchange of professors and students in over 445 universities from 56 countries as well as joint researches.
- STRENGTHS OF KNU: Kyungpook National University has been designated as a university enhancing the competitiveness of the nation, corporate and students while pioneering the expansion of true SW value by reflecting the demands of the industrial sites and innovating SW education in universities. College of IT Engineering/College of Engineering, designated as ‘SW-Centered University’ by the Ministry of Future Planning, funds supported up to 12billion for 6 years.