Study finds widespread variation in ‘teaching intensity’ Differences in contact hours and class sizes between institutions and subjects ‘undermines idea that students receive value for money’ Jack Grove 7月 31日
Faraday Challenge: white elephant, or future of research funding? Science policy experts have concerns about the effectiveness of new UK government support model Holly Else 7月 31日
Sensational news stories ‘damaging’ nutritional research Discipline at ‘critical point’ in UK as universities struggle to replace retiring staff, says report led by Newcastle vice-chancellor Holly Else 7月 31日
Study finds European resistance to teaching in English Some University of Hamburg academics fear decline in German scholarship, and believe international students should learn German David Matthews 7月 29日
PhD student predicts who will die next in Game of Thrones ‘Network science’ may help to predict the plot twists in iconic television series, researcher claims Matthew Reisz 7月 28日
Universities fear being shut out of EU innovation push European Innovation Council mission to create ‘unicorns’ may deprive academics of funding, critics warn David Matthews 7月 27日
UK’s student migration data ‘potentially misleading’ Watchdog says data ‘does not bear the weight that is put on it in public debate’ Simon Baker 7月 27日
Brexit: what are the options for the UK on research? There are several stumbling blocks on the way to negotiating access to European research funding, writes Holly Else Holly Else 7月 27日
Protecting EU links ‘very high priority’ for UK research chief Sir Mark Walport acknowledges ‘challenge’ of UK’s departure from European Union as sector anxiety grows John Elmes 7月 27日
UK university pension scheme deficit widens to £12.6 billion ‘Drastic action’ required to fix multibillion-pound shortfall in Universities Superannuation Scheme, expert warns Jack Grove 7月 26日
Scholars still using new technology ‘to do the same damn thing’ Digital humanities pioneer Gregory Crane argues academics are failing to fully utilise the new tools of scholarship David Matthews 7月 26日
Italian professors threaten exam strike over pay freeze Exams this coming autumn semester to be affected David Matthews 7月 25日