Blind marking ‘does little’ to reduce student attainment gaps Difference in performance by gender and ethnicity ‘pervasive’ despite assessment changes, study says Holly Else 8月 29日
PhD thesis: writing it up (and the art of procrastination) Mike Smith reveals six of the most useful pieces of advice he has been able to give his PhD students over the years Mike Smith 8月 26日
Rudd ‘deserves credit’ for bid to secure overseas student shift MAC commission seen as attempt to secure more open stance, enabled by exit of PM’s former adviser John Morgan 8月 25日
Review finds 'no evidence' of student overstaying problem in UK New analysis of border check data suggest vast majority of international students leave country or stay legally after finishing courses Simon Baker 8月 24日
UK government commissions ‘detailed study’ on overseas students Announcement comes as new exit check data expected to show low numbers of student ‘overstayers’ John Morgan 8月 24日
Interview with Sir Alan Wilson The chief executive of the Alan Turing Institute discusses his career in higher education, making the case for the humanities, and the nascence of the Russell Group Matthew Reisz 8月 24日
DfE approves UK university sales, but regulator’s advice kept secret Ministers back University of Law, Arden sales to Netherlands-registered GUS, as BPP decision awaited John Morgan 8月 24日
Bath governance under scrutiny on senior pay Remuneration committee member formerly led construction company that won £64 million in contracts from university John Morgan 8月 24日
Inside the world of Germany’s student fraternities Sword-fighting, drinking, history and camaraderie: struggling to recruit, ancient brotherhoods mull their image problem David Matthews 8月 23日
Access tsar attacks ‘complacency’ on widening participation Les Ebdon says that he came ‘close’ to rejecting access agreements in ‘one of the toughest’ rounds of negotiation yet Chris Havergal 8月 23日
Academics ‘face higher mental health risk’ than other professions Lack of job security, limited support from management and weight of work-related demands on time among risk factors Holly Else 8月 22日
Tell students to read tabloids ‘to help heal educational divide’ Politics has become overly dominated by graduates, who increasingly only mingle with each other, says author David Matthews 8月 21日