Update on pigeonhole-related issues

十一月 9, 2007

I have to return once again to the vexed question of pigeonholes. Here is a brief list of some current issues.

1. People putting their stuff in other people's pigeonholes

If you feel that an item in your pigeonhole is not intended for you, please do not solve the problem by putting the item in someone else's pigeonhole. So, for example, while it is true that I am currently the only woman in the department, this does not mean I am anxious to receive every detail of new publications in the area of women's studies.

2. Overflowing pigeonholes

The whole problem of Doctor Piercemuller.

3. Status of pigeon holes

Although it was agreed some time ago that pigeonholes should be allocated on a strict alphabetical basis, Doctor Quintock continues to point out that, although he is a reader, the alphabetical rule means that his pigeonhole is fifth from the top. He feels that this might well give a misleading impression of his status to departmental visitors and would like to propose an allocation based on departmental hierarchy.

4. Putting stars by your name on the pigeonhole

Please stop it.

5. Height of pigeonholes

Professor Lapping has complained that his bad back now makes it difficult to reach his own pigeonhole without standing on the Yellow Pages and wonders if a new allocation system based on height and reach might not be more equitable.

6. Size of pigeonhole

Despite recent complaints, careful measurement shows that all your pigeonholes are exactly the same size. They really are.

7. Putting extra letters in your own pigeonhole

It appears that one member of staff is actually adding made-up letters to his pigeonhole in order to bulk out his correspondence. This is an unnecessary complication.

I hope this clarifies the situation.

Maureen (second pigeonhole down).



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