German 'should remain language of academia' Alternative for Germany also wants to end funding for gender studies, saying discipline is not a serious subject David Matthews 3月 17日
Denmark doubles PhDs 'without lowering quality' Government analysis finds most academics think postgraduate research standards have held steady or improved Holly Else 3月 17日
Digifest 2017: call to ban reading lists to drive teaching innovation Conference hears educators are neglecting technology because of ‘obsession’ with dated approaches Jack Grove 3月 17日
Asia Universities Summit: Canada reaps Brexit benefits University of Waterloo recruits British academics ‘worried about future’ after referendum John Morgan 3月 16日
‘Elite’ status all risk, no benefit, for universities Findings from the German Excellence Initiative raise questions over impact of TEF David Matthews 3月 16日
Research income figures highlight Brexit vulnerability Latest data on research grants show just how much UK institutions get from the EU Simon Baker 3月 16日
Market figure tipped to 'shake' sector at OfS Interviews in progress for Office for Students chief executive, with v-cs among those shortlisted John Morgan 3月 16日
In the ratings game, not losing is more important than winning The Excellence Initiative in Germany and the UK’s TEF may bring only bad news for universities’ reputations, says David Matthews David Matthews 3月 16日
Alexander Wedderburn, 1935-2017 Former president of the British Psychological Society remembered Matthew Reisz 3月 16日
Interview with Zandra Rhodes The fashion designer talks about treating a university education like a nine-to-five job, the importance of student interaction and defying graduation clothing convention Hilary Lamb 3月 16日
UK funding councils rethink submission rules for REF 2021 ‘Push-back’ against proposal to use contractual status to identify research-active academics John Elmes 3月 15日
Economics professor turns to crowdfunding to pay salary Steve Keen laments loss of ‘time and freedom’ for universities’ ‘original thinkers’ Matthew Reisz 3月 15日