‘Peculiar’ experiment fails to find link between physical appearance and grades
British universities would be ‘most affected’ by failure to increase Horizon 2020 funding, MEP warns
The good, the bad and the offbeat: the academy through the lens of the world’s media
UCU attacks plans to cut 171 posts, but university denies Brexit 'the reason'
Understanding reasons for population movements could help European countries forge more effective responses
Plans for higher education reform rule out institution closures
Polls show ebbing support for ruling Fidesz party after move against Central European University
Figures highlight challenges faced by European universities seeking to educate refugees
UK institutions’ local role may be route to influence, sector experts suggest
Hesa figures show EU nationals make up more than a quarter of all academics at a third of mission group’s members
Scientific council of France's CNRS recommends severing links over journal edict
Labour has backing from 55 per cent in survey, while Lib Dems lag behind Tories after fees trauma