Deaf scholars take the lead with new book and conference Volume is first to be written and edited entirely by deaf academics Matthew Reisz 6月 20日
Senior staff pay-offs ‘must not reward poor performance’ Hefce tells English universities that confidentiality agreements should be ‘the exception rather than the norm’ Chris Havergal 6月 19日
‘Lobbyists for hire’ undermine academic authority, says professor HEC Paris’ Alberto Alemanno says academics who influence policy ‘often’ do it in return for money John Elmes 6月 18日
Teaching excellence framework results to be published on 22 June Release date was postponed in wake of uncertainty following UK general election Jack Grove 6月 16日
LEO data reveal complex factors affecting graduate earnings An analysis of the graduate salary data alongside prior attainment shows how difficult it is to measure university performance on such a metric Simon Baker 6月 16日
Worst sellers: warning of existential crisis for academic books Arts and humanities titles now average just 60 retail sales, report says Matthew Reisz 6月 16日
Exeter and Queensland launch thinktank to solve global challenges Virtual research institute aims to overcome geography by providing grants and funding a joint PhD programme Ellie Bothwell 6月 16日
‘Chicken’ university leaders roasted for tame defence of science Hermann Hauser calls on vice-chancellors to ‘take a stand against pseudoscience’ Ellie Bothwell 6月 15日
Lecturer barred from job interview ‘for not bringing life’s work’ Peter Cherry knew something was wrong when other applicants arrived in Madrid with several suitcases of documents David Matthews 6月 15日
Norway moves to ban face veils in universities Country is latest European state to take action against the garment David Matthews 6月 14日
Mid-degree certificates boost student performance, study finds After a German university scrapped an intermediate diploma and exam deadlines, results worsened and procrastination increased David Matthews 6月 14日
Salary data lift lid on universities whose graduates earn most Hotly anticipated figures on salaries show that for subjects such as economics and law, the university attended has stronger link to high earnings Simon Baker 6月 13日