Career advice: librarians ‘must defy stereotypes’ to climb ladder Library staff should think in terms of the whole university if they want to advance, Sconul report says Matthew Reisz 11月 2日
Universities pressured to cut Myanmar ties over Rohingya crisis Some academics call for institutions to break all links with the country, while others say educational partnerships are key to building peace Ellie Bothwell 11月 2日
One-size-fits-all quality system ‘forces private colleges to lie’ Senior QAA reviewer claims it is unfair to compare alternative providers to universities when they charge different fees Jack Grove 11月 1日
Stirling quiet on professor’s ‘Russia links’ to Trump campaign Fellow at Scottish university at centre of investigation over presidential adviser’s alleged collusion with Russian authorities Jack Grove 10月 31日
How to make sure your lectures aren’t too anti-Brexit Rob Johns offers advice on making sure your teaching is not all pro-remain, in the wake of the Heaton-Harris letter Rob Johns 10月 31日
Nightmare student feedback: ‘I can’t remember who the teacher was’ Kingsley Purdam on the relentless need to gather feedback – and why the results of doing so are not always of much value Kingsley Purdam 10月 31日
Turkey's 'academics for peace' face fresh charges Scholars charged with terrorism offences almost two years after signing anti-war petition Jack Grove 10月 31日
German academics step down from posts on Elsevier journals High price of journals 'placing strain on acceptance' of division of labour between researchers and publishers, says professor Holly Else 10月 31日
Complaints force university to draw up religious code of conduct At the University of Hamburg, new rules leave it up to lecturers to decide whether the full face veil disrupts their teaching David Matthews 10月 31日
Tim Bradshaw appointed Russell Group chief executive Lobbying government on Brexit will be key priority for new leader John Morgan 10月 30日
Former Edge Hill PVC jailed for five years over £500k fraud Robert Smedley sentenced for five counts of fraud alongside partner Christopher Joynson Chris Havergal 10月 30日
‘Anti-Brexit bias’? Guilty as charged, scholars tell Daily Mail Sweeping away ‘leaves’, using the metric system and forcing students to speak ‘European’; the depth of universities’ EU ‘treachery’ is uncovered David Matthews 10月 30日