Deal struck for Macron’s first European university network Plans by France’s president to establish a series of cross-border university networks are starting to become a reality Jack Grove 3月 29日
Amsterdam to create new university quarter Project to begin later this year with construction of new library Matthew Reisz 3月 29日
Open University v-c faces no-confidence vote Peter Horrocks faces backlash over claim that academics ‘should be bloody well teaching’ Sophie Inge 3月 29日
European Open Science Cloud hopes for lift-off But observers warn that open data initiative is progressing too slowly and researchers lack incentives to join up David Matthews 3月 29日
French campuses on edge after Montpellier attack As Macron government seeks major reforms, allegations emerge that academics were among attackers at university David Matthews 3月 29日
Bart Rienties: learning analytics isn't about replacing lecturers with robots The learning analytics expert discusses the potential of his research, his victory at the World Transplant Games, and what the Dutch can teach us about life Sophie Inge 3月 29日
In which disciplines could Brexit hurt UK collaboration the most? Analysis of data on current research networks suggests that subjects where expensive kit is shared could be vulnerable Simon Baker 3月 29日
Pensions strike forces UK universities to reset examinations Institutions are removing content that has not been covered because of missed classes but are adamant that standards will not be lowered Sophie Inge 3月 28日
Brexit uncertainty drives Warwick to create French connection Universities cannot afford to wait for politicians to resolve future research relationship between the UK and European Union Jack Grove 3月 28日
‘Significant but uneven’ progress on tackling sexual misconduct Many UK universities have already updated or are in the process of reviewing disciplinary procedures Sophie Inge 3月 28日
Police set to arrest St Andrews-based Catalan academic Lawyer for Clara Ponsati, the former Catalan education minister whose extradition is sought by Spain, says she will hand herself in David Matthews 3月 27日
Melanie Welham appointed BBSRC executive chair permanent post for interim chief executive confirmed ahead of UKRI formation Rachael Pells 3月 27日