European funders set 2020 deadline for open access publishing All research funded by participating public bodies across Europe must be made freely and openly available to read and download, agency heads say Rachael Pells 9月 4日
Lower pay package for new Bath v-c Ian White Cambridge deputy to succeed Dame Glynis Breakwell in April Chris Havergal 9月 4日
Taylor & Francis drops innovation journal after libel row Publisher says divestment from Prometheus was taken for commercial reasons Rachael Pells 9月 4日
Poll: majority of UK public backs two-year post-study work visa Universities UK calls on government to improve post-study work offer to compete with regimes in US, Canada and Australia John Morgan 9月 4日
Colleges back minimum entry standards for bachelor’s degrees Association of Colleges urges government review to take action on England’s unconditional offers and admissions ‘free-for-all’ John Morgan 9月 4日
One in four UK student nurses drops out of degree course Data from 55 institutions suggest efforts to improve retention have had little effect Rachael Pells 9月 3日
Transparency call as English regulator keeps key papers secret Office for Students makes nearly two-third of board papers ‘exempt from publication’ at latest board meeting John Morgan 9月 3日
Heythrop College: innovation can’t save first victim of £9K fees University of London member is the first significant UK higher education institution to close since medieval times Jack Grove 9月 3日
Airbnb-style rooms for commuter students to share in campus life University of Hertfordshire is stepping up efforts to include live-at-home students more fully in extracurricular activities Jack Grove 9月 1日
Soas upgraded to silver in teaching excellence framework University of London institution complained its large international cohort meant it was penalised in assessment Chris Havergal 8月 31日
Danish universities dismayed by cut to foreign student numbers Ministry will remove at least 1,000 places on English-language courses, claiming two in three are a drain on the state David Matthews 8月 31日
The best universities in Eurasia Times Higher Education table reveals top institutions across 16 Eurasia nations Ellie Bothwell 8月 30日