Central European University moves all new students to Vienna Liberal institution has been left in legal limbo for 18 months by Viktor Orbán’s government Rachael Pells 10月 25日
Time running out for deal on UK-EU research ties post-Brexit UK universities ‘engaged in intensive planning’ for no-deal Brexit impact across range of activities John Morgan 10月 25日
Early deadline applications to UK universities hit record high As number of applicants from the EU flatlines, UK and rest of world drives growth Chris Havergal 10月 25日
Towns and universities: UK Labour’s new civic thinking Uclan role in Preston Model sheds light on what a Labour government could mean for universities, beyond the fees pledge John Morgan 10月 25日
For better terms, casualised academics must follow support staff’s lead Early career academics on temporary contracts must put aside personal hopes of a better future and unite to improve their current lot, says Steven Parfitt Steven Parfitt 10月 25日
THE ‘Table of Tables’ 2019: Lincoln and Nottingham Trent in top 30 Cambridge leads combined results of three main UK university league tables for eighth year running Ellie Bothwell 10月 25日
Cambridge ‘forces of conservatism’ fight postdoc voting plan Conflict over proposals to grant say in running of university to all 4,000 postdocs, who conduct ‘bulk’ of research John Morgan 10月 24日
Students’ view of PhD’s value drops as course progresses Satisfaction with postgraduate research declines significantly over course of programme, survey reveals Rachael Pells 10月 23日
MPs want UK university funding tied to tackling sexual harassment Women and Equalities Committee call for UK to follow US Title IX example, accusing government, regulators and institutions of ‘passing the buck’ John Morgan 10月 23日
Flipped classroom struggles to catch on in Europe Half of continental institutions are developing online learning programmes, survey says Ellie Bothwell 10月 23日
Hard Brexit ‘could cripple UK science’, warns Crick Institute Survey of scientists at Francis Crick Institute finds that only 10 per cent are confident about the future of UK science Ellie Bothwell 10月 22日
UK HE staff back pay strike but turnout mostly falls short Staff at seven campuses set to walk out after hitting required turnout Chris Havergal 10月 22日