Too many countries ‘paying lip service’ to widening access Fewer than one in three nations set specific participation targets for disadvantaged groups, study finds Chris Havergal 11月 28日
English fees rise in dock over UK grade inflation More than 40 per cent of firsts last year were ‘unexplained’, finds UUK-commissioned report Simon Baker 11月 28日
Gyimah: UK access to EU research ‘won’t work’ without mobility Universities minister says academic mobility will be addressed in UK-EU talks on Horizon Europe John Morgan 11月 27日
Plan S: three-year transition period for hybrid journals Task force affirms support for green open access and says that poorer researchers should not miss out Rachael Pells 11月 27日
Poorer UK students ‘study harder’ than richer classmates UK Engagement Survey indicates less affluent students do more independent study despite greater demands on their time Jack Grove 11月 27日
Policy shift forces Danes to close degrees and cut English teaching Universities’ moves follow ministers’ demand for reduction in international student numbers Ellie Bothwell 11月 27日
Minister wants OfS ‘to do more’ on ‘poor-value’ courses But Sam Gyimah bases comments on data he accepts are only a ‘snapshot’ of what graduates go on to earn Simon Baker 11月 27日
Swansea University suspends v-c and management school dean Richard Davies and three others on leave while institution carries out an internal investigation Anna McKie 11月 26日
Durham student Matthew Hedges pardoned by UAE Doctoral student at was sentenced to life in prison on spying charges Ellie Bothwell 11月 26日
EU academics in UK quizzed about ‘moving home’ after Brexit Government poll condemned as insensitive Jack Grove 11月 26日
Social science doctoral training centres not working, says report Analysis of impact of doctoral training centres funded by Economic and Social Research Council prompts further questions over approach to postgraduate learning Rachael Pells 11月 26日
Scrap REF and allocate QR funding by headcount, says professor Oxford’s Dorothy Bishop says spread of funding would be largely unchanged Anna McKie 11月 23日