Scientists fear funding threat to ‘stellar’ MRC research units New Medical Research Council funding model will undermine world-famous research centres, claim researchers Jack Grove 3月 2日
Essay mills ‘under threat from rise of ChatGPT’ Students turning to AI to generate answers undermines business case of contract cheating industry Tom Williams 3月 2日
How student theatre inspired William Shakespeare Controversial plays staged at Oxford and Cambridge helped shape the Bard’s depictions of academic life, book claims Tom Williams 3月 2日
Get Horizon association ‘swiftly over the line’, sector urges UK and EU must follow through on positive statement from Ursula von der Leyen, according to industry, academic and research organisations Chris Havergal 3月 2日
UK international recruitment model ‘heading for a crash’ – v-c Plugging gaps with higher fees paid by students from overseas has allowed institutions to dodge political battles over funding, but it won’t last Tom Williams 3月 1日
Joining Horizon Europe could take a year, says George Freeman Science minister says Treasury should release Plan B funding to ensure UK science does not suffer if negotiations take months Jack Grove 3月 1日
Nancy Rothwell to step down as Manchester vice-chancellor Neuroscientist to leave post in summer 2024 after 14 years in charge Tom Williams 3月 1日
Time to shut down Confucius Institutes, says City president Sir Anthony Finkelstein told MPs that the language centres were an ‘explicit tool of Chinese influence’ Jack Grove 3月 1日
‘Keep academics without people skills away’ from PhD supervision European universities outline blueprint to improve doctoral training but acknowledge some professors can’t or won’t change their ways Ben Upton 3月 1日
UEL pledges review after settling with sacked union members University settles or reinstates five scholars but insists union membership was not a factor in redundancy process John Morgan 3月 1日
UCU calls another strike day after employers ‘impose pay offer’ Union announces plans to go ahead with walkouts across six days in March to ‘ramp up pressure’ as Acas talks near conclusion Tom Williams 2月 28日
Over-reliance on China and India leaves UK universities ‘exposed’ Governments could bankrupt three-quarters of institutions by blocking students from travelling abroad, says vice-chancellor Tom Williams 2月 28日