Overseas students struggle to get documents to return to China Beijing has given green light for international students’ return but some institutions say learners will have to wait until 2023 Pola Lem 9月 13日
Early career researchers can help fix peer review delays Supporting young researchers to peer-review and edit journal submissions will also accelerate their training, says Quan-Hoang Vuong Quan-Hoang Vuong 9月 11日
Language students helped to spread ‘Xi thought’ beyond China New textbook series may be seen as move to create a cadre of evangelists across international borders Jing Liu 9月 11日
Apolitical student unions ‘the only option’ in Hong Kong Students welcome formation of new CUHK union but say its political involvement will be limited Pola Lem 9月 8日
Pakistani universities waive student fees after deadly floods Disaster may threaten ‘survival and good functioning’ of already cash-strapped institutions, warns sector leader Pola Lem 9月 6日
China blames US intelligence agency for university cyberattack NSA used 40 programmes to hack into aerospace university, Beijing claims Pola Lem 9月 5日
‘Outlier’ university forges path to more autonomy for Kazakh sector Nazarbayev University president is ready to stop being envy of post-Soviet system, where centralised governance is still the norm Pola Lem 9月 4日
China signals coming return for international students Embassies in dozens of countries now accepting visa applications, but many students still in the dark over anticipated move Pola Lem 8月 31日
Korea’s semiconductor talent boost ‘too little, too late’ Easing student caps is a ‘step in the right direction’ but doesn’t solve issue of talent leaving for higher pay in other nations, academics say Pola Lem 8月 31日
Scholars hail top Korean university’s plan to scrap majors More fluid degree paths could help graduates develop critical thinking, academics say, amid concerns over how similar changes could affect recruitment Pola Lem 8月 28日
Rapid expansion of HE in China’s ‘Greater Bay Area’ takes shape First postgraduate students start at new HKUST campus, signalling beginning of huge changes in the area Jing Liu 8月 27日
China ‘dilemma’ on undergrad research amid geopolitical tensions Beijing boosts early student participation in research as world becomes ‘less friendly’, but efforts could stall because of limited funding Pola Lem 8月 26日