Queen’s University Belfast v-c Patrick Johnston dies suddenly Institution announces ‘untimely and sudden’ passing of leading cancer researcher By Chris Havergal 4 June
Europeans back funding vocational training over higher education Fears over youth unemployment and excessive university expansion could be behind weak support as some countries mull shift By David Matthews 3 June
Labour’s policy to scrap fees: memorable and popular (unless you’re the Daily Mail) John Morgan looks at how Jeremy Corbyn's pledge has gone down with the public and the press By John Morgan 2 June
Number of Indian students in Germany doubles UK’s dramatic fall in recruitment from the subcontinent contrasts with success of European rival By John Morgan 2 June
EU lauds Horizon 2020 but warns underfunding ‘wastes resources’ European Commission interim evaluation highlights ‘oversubscription’ in funding bids By John Morgan 2 June
Should scientific misconduct be a crime? Conference hears conflicting views on how to stamp out fraud in research By John Elmes 2 June
Debt fears deter poorest from applying to university, study says While participation has continued to grow under £9,000 fee regime, researchers argue efforts to widen access would be helped by abolition of fees By Chris Havergal 1 June
General election 2017: 54% backing for Labour in THE poll Tories backed by just 7 per cent of UK university staff responding to survey By John Morgan 1 June
Why the ‘leftward lean’ in UK universities matters John Morgan looks at the ‘culture wars’ approach to universities emerging on the Right, and the counter-arguments By John Morgan 1 June
Of monsters and mentors: PhD disasters, and how to avoid them Despite all that’s been done to improve doctoral study, horror stories keep coming. Here three students relate PhD nightmares while two academics advise on how to ensure a successful supervision By Contributors 1 June
UK universities sign up to ‘technician commitment’ Sector-wide initiative led by Science Council seeks to address ‘overlooked’ part of academic workforce By John Elmes 31 May
University tells women to wear ‘low-cut’ outfits to graduation Belgian institution says message was ‘contrary’ to university’s values following outcry on social media By Ellie Bothwell 31 May