One in three UK universities going backwards on female professorships New data show proportion of professors who are women has declined at some institutions By Jack Grove 25 May
Kenneth Gloag, 1960-2017 Tributes paid to expert on 20th-century music who was ‘exhilarating colleague’ By Matthew Reisz 25 May
Going Global 2017: UK and Australia 'among top performers’ for internationalisation Hong Kong, Netherlands and Malaysia also score highly in British Council research analysing policy environments in 38 countries By Ellie Bothwell 24 May
Going Global 2017: marginalised ‘must be winners’ from internationalisation Cities must reap international benefits to stave off populism and protectionism, British Council director says By Ellie Bothwell 24 May
Hold fast to the values of global scholarship – they are needed more than ever Sir Keith Burnett explains why it matters more than ever that universities speak out in support of our international communities 23 May
Going Global 2017: live coverage Watch the live stream from Going Global 2017 and read news highlights from the event 23 May
New EU directive set to ease rules on text and data mining But research organisations say proposed directive does not go far enough and could hinder links with companies By David Matthews 23 May
These maps could change how we understand the role of the world’s top universities Ahead of his address at Going Global 2017, Phil Baty looks at the relationship between the world’s best universities and their place in the world By Phil Baty 22 May
Shearer West named as next Nottingham v-c Sheffield deputy vice-chancellor to succeed Sir David Greenaway By John Morgan 22 May
Germany rejects competitive teaching funding Call from government advisers to evaluate teaching quality, echoing England's TEF, could still go ahead By David Matthews 20 May
EU backs 'science diplomacy' in Middle East with synchrotron support European Commissioner for research sees Jordan investment as contribution to peace and stability By John Morgan 19 May
Conservative manifesto: a pledge to cut overseas student numbers? John Morgan looks at the Tory manifesto pledge to keep students in net migration target and to hold ‘major review’ of tertiary funding By John Morgan 18 May