Executive pay packages top £1 million at UK student housing firm Pay deals in student accommodation bring claims ‘huge salaries are being funded by public money and student debt’ By John Morgan 26 July
Multimillion-pound grant for footballers’ ‘university’ criticised Funding will support Lancaster to develop curriculum for Manchester-based University Academy 92 By Chris Havergal 26 July
UK and EU urged to strike deal on mutual student fee arrangements Mobile students would face same costs as local learners post-Brexit under MillionPlus proposal By Chris Havergal 26 July
Shutting down trolls is bad politics Telling opponents of liberal values to ‘jog on’ may be tempting, but it risks confirming opponents’ claims that universities are aloof bastions of leftism, says Julie Odams By Julie Odams 26 July
Keep off the Brexit barricades Partisan social media posts typically get more attention, but dispassionate analyses are what academics are valued for, says Stuart Brown By Stuart Brown 26 July
Vice-principal quits in protest at failure to punish colleagues Paul Hagan says Robert Gordon University principal and fellow deputy should have been sanctioned for failing to declare conflict of interest By Chris Havergal 25 July
USS announces increases in higher education pension contributions University and staff payments set to increase even though Joint Expert Panel is yet to report By Chris Havergal 25 July
NUI Galway lecturers promoted after gender discrimination row Four women settle legal action against university over 2008-09 promotion round By Ellie Bothwell 25 July
Predatory publishers probe snares prominent academics Investigation discovers 400,000 researchers worldwide have used ‘pseudoscientific’ journals By David Matthews 25 July
Extradition case against Catalan academic Clara Ponsati dropped Lawyer says Spanish warrant means that economics professor remains an ‘exile’ By Matthew Reisz 25 July
Lancaster mulls European branch campus post-Brexit University says it is ‘exploring options’, but sector leaders urge caution By Chris Havergal 25 July
Romanian universities cry foul over ‘political’ new ranking Institutions set to be rated on metrics including the number of classrooms and dormitories that they have By David Matthews 25 July