Treasury guarantees UK academics’ European funding to end of 2020 Grants awarded under Horizon 2020 will still be paid even in event of ‘no deal’ Brexit By Rachael Pells 24 July
Thomas Docherty: it’s time to kill off the social mobility agenda Leading critic of marketised higher education takes aim at external appointment of vice-chancellors and the ‘student experience’ By Matthew Reisz 24 July
Brain drain takes worst academics as well as the best, study says Analysis of Italian PhD graduates finds that the ‘milk’ as well as the ‘cream’ leave By David Matthews 24 July
Doctoral graduates ‘need five years of post-PhD career support’ Early career social scientists should be entitled to extensive support from their university long after attaining their doctorate, study says By Jack Grove 23 July
Edinburgh requests retraction of papers by sacked cell biologist Investigation into Irina Stancheva confirms five cases of misconduct, but former lecturer denies manipulating data By Rachael Pells 23 July
Using Twitter to measure research impact ‘needs quality control’ Large-scale study raises questions about the usefulness of altmetrics for assessing research quality By Simon Baker 23 July
Glasgow School of Art aims for normality in extraordinary times Director Tom Inns explains how the institution is coping after fire gutted its iconic Mackintosh building By Jack Grove 21 July
Sam Gyimah’s second adviser shows trend for ‘loyalty’ jobs Minister’s second ‘pad’ could signal government taking policy more ‘in-house’, some suggest By John Morgan 20 July
Oxford and Cambridge singled out on access by new regulator Elite institutions could face sanctions if they fail to deliver on promise to conduct evaluation of bursary spending By Chris Havergal 19 July
UUK heads: England’s OfS fails to show devolved nations ‘respect’ Senior figures are angry over regulator’s approach and fear it could put UK-wide sector ‘in danger’, letters seen by Times Higher Education reveal By John Morgan 19 July
Performing arts students ‘scared to report abuse’ Survey reveals widespread prevalence of sexual harassment and bullying in UK specialist institutions By Chris Havergal 19 July
Australia set to overtake UK in global student race Research shows that Australia’s overseas student numbers have surged while Brexit will ‘compound the decline’ in UK’s global position By Ellie Bothwell 19 July