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Wenzhou Medical University

Wenzhou, China
801–1000th in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for Wenzhou Medical University


Wenzhou Medical University (WMU) is a higher education institution which begins as the former Zhejiang Specialized Medical School in Hangzhou in 1912.

In 1958, staff members from Zhejiang Medical College in Hangzhou were sent to help establish the Second Zhejiang Medical College in Wenzhou, which later became Wenzhou Medical College, and eventually renamed to Wenzhou Medical University in 2013. It is now under the administration of the Zhejiang Provincial Government.

Wenzhou Medical University focuses mostly on medical undergraduate studies, with multi-disciplinary areas adapting to regional needs. There are almost 21,000 undergraduate students and 3,500 postgraduate students studying at 18 schools in 4 PhD programs, 20 master programs and 27 bachelor programs.

They have five affiliated hospitals and 25 non-directly-governed affiliated hospitals.

Wenzhou Medical University has three campuses; Chashan (the main campus), Xueyuan Road and Dongtou District (Binhai campus) that cover a total area of 800,000 metres.

They have established links and agreements with over 140 international universities, hospitals, and scientific institutions in more than five continents, spanning across collaborations in scholar/student exchange, joint education programme, and joint research. Some of their global partners include The University of Queensland and Monash University in Australia, The University of Alberta in Canada, Burapha University and Chiang Mai University in Thailand, Chonnam National University in Korea and others.

The city of Wenzhou is the economic, cultural and communication centre of southern Zhejiang province. Since the Tang Dynasty, it has been a principal Chinese trading port and is also famed for its commerce, arts and crafts. Many who come to the area visit the Yandang Mountain and the Nanxi River.

Notable alumni of Wenzhou Medical University include Dr. Zhou Jian, the senior researcher who co-invented the HPV vaccine.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Wenzhou Medical University

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
60 F : 40 M (1)
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International student percentage
3% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
15.5 (1)
Student total
30416 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at Wenzhou Medical University

See below for a range of subjects taught at Wenzhou Medical University

Life Sciences501–600th

  • Biological Sciences

Clinical and Health601–800th

  • Medicine and Dentistry
  • Other Health