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University of Perugia

PG, Italy
501–600th in World University Rankings 2022
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Basic information and contact details for the University of Perugia


The University of Perugia (Università degli Studi di Perugia), founded in 1308, is one of the oldest universities in Italy, offering a wide variety of courses in all fields of education.

Today, the university is organised into 16 departments and several centres of excellence. It has about 23,000 students, 1,100 professors and researchers and 1,100 staff members.

The university aims to provide students with high-quality degree programmes and academic opportunities in a multicultural environment.

The high level of research, education and services has been certified by the 2018-19 CENSIS ranking (Italian Centre for Studies on Social Investments), with the university attaining first position, for the fifth year in a row, among all the large Italian universities.

The university has established working agreements with 361 institutions of higher learning throughout the European Union in the Erasmus programme, and about 90 cooperation agreements with European and non-European universities.

There is also a language centre that delivers, among various European language courses, Italian courses to international students.

Alumni include 11 popes, the former Governor General of Canada Michaëlle Jean, and artist Suze Rotolo. Past teachers include 15th-century founder of accounting Luca Pacioli, and Pope Sixtus IV.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at the University of Perugia

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
57 F : 43 M (1)
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International student percentage
7% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
24.9 (1)
Student total
25301 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2022

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