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University of North Carolina Wilmington

Wilmington, United States
1201+ in World University Rankings 2022
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Basic information and contact details for the University of North Carolina Wilmington


Billing itself as "the state’s coastal university", the University of North Carolina Wilmington was established in the historic port city as Wilmington College in 1946.

It has since steadily evolved through junior, city college and four-year senior college status to join the University of North Carolina system in 1968.

Now one of 17 parts of a state network, it opened a graduate school in 1980 and offered its first doctorates from 2002. In 2018 it was raised to the level of Doctoral University: High Research Activity in the Carnegie Classification of institutions of higher education in the United States.

The school offers 55 bachelor's degrees, 35 master's degrees and four doctoral degrees: EdD in educational leadership; PhD marine biology and psychology and a doctorate in nursing practice.

It is most noted for expertise in coastal and marine science, operating from a $50m facility on Myrtle Grove. With roots back to the 1970s, it offered the university's first doctorates and regularly wins federal and other public grants for research projects into subjects such as the health of coral reefs.

Recently described as "one of the best surf schools in the mid-Atlantic", University of North Carolina Wilmington has also been rated the best university in North Carolina for veterans by a military publication.

The student recreation centre opened in 2000 and houses three basketball courts, exercise machines, a weight training area, an indoor running track, and an indoor climbing wall as well as a group exercise room.

Its sports teams play as the Seahawks.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at the University of North Carolina Wilmington

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
63 F : 37 M (1)
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International student percentage
2% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
19.5 (1)
Student total
15498 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2022

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