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University of Macerata (UNIMC)

Macerata, Italy
1501+ in World University Rankings 2024
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Basic information and contact details for the University of Macerata (UNIMC)


The University of Macerata (Università degli Studi di Macerata or UniMC) was founded in 1290, making it one of the oldest universities in Europe.

Its strength lies in humanities and social sciences, although it has seven faculties: the faculty of education sciences, the faculty of political sciences, the faculty of economics, the faculty of media studies, the faculty of literature and philosophy, the faculty of law and in the nearby town of Fermo, the faculty of cultural heritage.

Its motto is "innovating through the humanities" (or l’umanesimo che innova in Italian). Its master’s degree and PhD programmes are delivered entirely in English.

It also homes the Confucius Institute, which was opened in 2011, following a collaboration with the Normal University of Beijing and the Office for Chinese Culture and Language Promotion of the Chinese Ministry of Education Hanban. It offers Chinese language courses at multiple levels and offers activities to boost knowledge of Chinese society and culture.

The university is located in the city of Macerata in the Marche region of Italy which has a population of approximately 43,000. Macerata is quiet yet vibrant, hosting many cultural events such as the internationally-renowned opera season Macerata Opera, and singer-songwriter festival Musicultura. Both of these take place in the Sferisterio Arena, a neoclassical open-air arena that was built in the 15th century and was funded by the people of Macerata themselves. Other areas to explore from Macerata include the Adriatic Sea Coast, ski resorts and the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at the University of Macerata (UNIMC)

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
75 F : 25 M (1)
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International student percentage
4% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
27 (1)
Student total
12042 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2024

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