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University of Crete

Rethymnon, Greece
601–800th in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for the University of Crete


The University of Crete is one of Greece’s most illustrious higher education institutions. 

This modern university has campuses in two cities on the island of Crete: Rethymnon, where the faculties of education, philosophy and social, political and economic science are located, and Heraklion, which has the faculties of science and engineering and medicine.

The university has a strong record of producing internationally significant research and has founded three of Crete’s prominent research institutions: the Natural History Museum, Skinakas Observatory, and the University General Hospital.

Although all of the university’s undergraduate courses are taught in Greek, the university's mission includes international cooperation and integration. It has staff and student exchanges with over 200 universities, and was selected as an Erasmus success story for its efforts to welcome international students to Crete.

Crete itself is one of Greece’s most popular tourist destinations. Its white sand beaches draw in sunbathers and swimmers, while its rich history makes it a must-see for fans of culture and architecture. Crete shares much of its heritage with Greece, but also has its own ancient culture inherited from the Minoans– the earliest known European civilisation, of which Crete was the homeland. The legendary Minoan ruins of Knossos can still be seen today.

Both Heraklion and Rethymnon are filled with examples of Venetian architecture dating from Crete’s invasion by Venice in the 13th century. Heraklion, as the island’s capital, has many of its best museums, as well as the stadiums for its sports teams, while Rethymnon is famous for its unspoilt old town.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at the University of Crete

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
64 F : 36 M (1)
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International student percentage
4% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
24.9 (1)
Student total
13797 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at the University of Crete

See below for a range of subjects taught at the University of Crete

Social Sciences501–600th

  • Sociology
  • Politics and International Studies


  • Psychology

Physical Sciences801–1000th

  • Chemistry
  • Geology, Environmental, Earth and Marine Sciences
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Mathematics and Statistics

Life Sciences301–400th

  • Biological Sciences


  • General Engineering


  • Education

Computer Science301–400th

  • Computer Science

Clinical and Health301–400th

  • Medicine and Dentistry
  • Other Health