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Universitat Ramon Llull

Barcelona, Spain
801–1000th in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for Universitat Ramon Llull


Ramon Llull University (URL), located in Barcelona, is a private, non-profit university. It is inspired by Christian values and promotes a public service that aims to provide a high-quality, personalised education to respond to society's needs. URL compromises 8 higher education and research institutions with a long tradition and a prestigious reputation in Catalonia (IQS, Blanquerna, La Salle, Esade, Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work, Ebro Observatory University Institute, Vidal i Barraquer Mental Health University Institute and Borja Institute of Bioethics) and ESDi Higher School of Design and affiliated centre.

URL is a university which sees internationalization as key to educational programmes for future professionals. Small work groups, close relations between students and faculty, and complete mastery of new technologies represent this university's unique methodology.

The mission of our University, as defined in its ideology, is achieved through teaching, research and knowledge transfer, specifically:
a) Teaching in a critical and creative way, according to the specific methods and requirements of university education in the context of the internationalisation of studies.
b) Training university students in a profound ethical sense of the profession, in a spirit of solidarity and service for a fairer society.
c) Attending to the continuing training of professionals, according to their principles and orientations.
d) Within the scope of knowledge that it covers, cultivating free and high-quality scientific and technical research to the benefit of society and in dialogue with the various disciplines.
e) Transferring research results through the dissemination, enhancement and transfer of knowledge.
f) Contributing, from its own culture, to dialogue, understanding and exchange between different cultures and among the people who carry these cultures, regardless of their origin or condition, and promoting equal opportunities.

The University is founded on the recognition of academic freedom, which encompasses teaching, research and study freedom, inspired by and fully consistent with the founding ideology.
Catalan is the own language of the Ramon Llull University. Catalan and Spanish, both of which have been declared as official languages in Catalonia by the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy, are used. The right of all members of the university community to use these two languages shall be respected. English shall be promoted as a third language.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Universitat Ramon Llull

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
46 F : 54 M (1)
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International student percentage
23% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
20.6 (1)
Student total
16113 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at Universitat Ramon Llull

See below for a range of subjects taught at Universitat Ramon Llull

Social Sciences501–600th

  • Sociology
  • Politics and International Studies
  • Communication and Media Studies


  • Psychology


  • General Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


  • Education

Clinical and Health801–1000th

  • Other Health

Business and Economics126–150th

  • Business and Management
  • Accounting and Finance