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State University of Malang

Malang, Indonesia
1501+ in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for State University of Malang


The State University of Malang (UM) is located in Malang of the East Java province in Indonesia. The university dates back to 1954 and is one of the oldest universities in Malang. The main campus is located in the centre of the city.

The university was first established as the Teacher Education College of Malang, and three years later was transformed into the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. It was in 1999 that the institution became formally known as Universitas Negeri Malang or University of Malang.

Across its eight faculties, the university offers 119 study programmes, from undergraduate degrees to master’s and doctoral programmes. In addition, The State University of Malang offers an accountancy professional programme and 11 other diploma options to its students.

Its eight faculties are education, letters, mathematics and science, economics, engineering, sport science, social science, psychology, education, and its graduate school.

Across campus, students have access to a wide range of facilities including a swimming pool, banks, a mosque, health centre, shops and art facilities. There are also a range of student activities to increase students’ skills in sport, arts, nature and social service among others.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at State University of Malang

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
54 F : 46 M (1)
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International student percentage
4% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
30.3 (1)
Student total
35702 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at State University of Malang

See below for a range of subjects taught at State University of Malang

Social Sciences801+

  • Sociology
  • Geography
  • Communication and Media Studies

Physical Sciences1001+

  • Chemistry
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Mathematics and Statistics


  • General Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


  • Education

Computer Science801–1000th

  • Computer Science

Business and Economics801+

  • Economics and Econometrics
  • Business and Management
  • Accounting and Finance