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Lahore College for Women University (LCWU)

Lahore, Pakistan
1501+ in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for Lahore College for Women University (LCWU)


Established in May 1922, Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) is a public university in the city of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, with a sub campus in the city of Jhang.

Originally housed in one building with 60 students and 13 staff members, the university has since expanded to a full time enrolment of about 15,000 students and a teaching faculty of more than 600.

The university admits students across a number of different courses including botany, chemistry, physics, zoology, bio-technology, mathematics, economics, statistics, electronics, environmental science, computer science, pharmacy, English, Urdu, Punjabi, Islamic studies, international relations, political science, fine arts, Pakistan studies, mass communication and gender and development studies.Courses are offered at both graduate and postgraduate level.

Links with foreign universities have been established in the fields of pharmacy, electronics, environmental science, fine arts, economics, mass communication and gender and development studies.

There is a book bank maintained by the social work department through which students that are unable to buy their own textbooks are provided with textbooks.

Student societies include the botanical and horticultural society, the comptech society, the English, Punjabi and Urdu debating societies, the statistics society, the geography society, the home economics society, the pyschology society and the sports society among others.

LCWU is affiliated with three other women’s colleges in Lahore: the Govt. Postgraduate College for Women, the Government Postgraduate Islamia College for Women and the Government College for Women Gulberg.

Notable alumni include women’s cricketer Diana Baig, actress Bushra Ansari, and feminist Urdu poet Kishwar Naheed.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Lahore College for Women University (LCWU)

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
100 F : 0 M (1)
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International student percentage
0% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
23.9 (1)
Student total
14489 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at Lahore College for Women University (LCWU)

See below for a range of subjects taught at Lahore College for Women University (LCWU)

Physical Sciences1001+

  • Chemistry
  • Geology, Environmental, Earth and Marine Sciences
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Mathematics and Statistics

Life Sciences801–1000th

  • Biological Sciences