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Kansai University

27, Japan
1501+ in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for Kansai University


Kansai University was founded as Kansai Law School in November 1886, in the large commercial city of Osaka. Its founders consisted of a dozen people who were judicial officers and business persons. Kansai University celebrates its 130th anniversary this year.

Osaka, located slightly west of the geographic center of the Japanese archipelago, is part of the Kansai region which covers a broad area including the neighboring cities of Kobe; an international port city, Kyoto; a city of academic pursuits and traditional culture, and Nara; a city of historical heritage. Osaka is the second smallest prefecture. However, it has a population of 8.8 million, or roughly 7% of the entire population, making it the third most populous prefecture after Tokyo and Kanagawa prefectures.

There are 30,000 students at Kansai University consisting of 13 departments (Law, Letters, Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Policy Studies, Foreign Language Studies, Health and Well-being, Informatics, Societal Safety Sciences, Engineering Science, Environmental and Urban Engineering, Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering), 13 research divisions (Law, Letters, Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Informatics, Engineering Science, Foreign Language Education and Research, Psychology, Societal Safety Sciences, East Asian Cultures, Governance, Health and Well-being), and 3 professional graduate schools (School of Law, School of Accounting, Graduate School of Professional Clinical Psychology).

Many international students are participating in these programs, and with the increasing number each year, the number of outstanding international alumni that have studied at our university is also growing steadily. 1,127 international students came to the university in 2015.

KUGF courses were launched in 2014. They offer a wide variety of specialist subjects, all taught in English, to accommodate the needs of inbound international students, outbound Japanese students, and those who have already studied abroad. There are various modules available at this time ranging from fields such as Japanese Culture, International Business, to Disaster Prevention.

We opened Kansai University Minami-Senri International Plaza in 2012. This new plaza offers Japanese Language and Culture Program Preparatory Course (Bekka). In this program, students will develop their Japanese language ability and information literacy using ICT (Information and Communication Technology). This will provide the basis for academic activities in Japanese universities.

The university provides assistance to some students through scholarships, tuition reduction, national health coverage, medical institutions and housing. Each of the departments at Kansai University has a designated academic advisor with whom students can consult regarding problems with their studies or daily life. The Student Affairs Office also issues certificates for classes, school enrollment, grades, and any other necessary forms.

Kansai University has recently launched the CARES-Osaka (Communal Actions for Resident and Employment Support by Osaka) Project. The purpose of this project is to increase the number of international students who reside and study in Osaka, enable them to find jobs in or around Osaka after graduation, and create an environment for international students to live in harmony with local residents in Osaka as their second hometown.

If you would like to know Kansai University in detail, please access our website

Academics & Researches
Bekka(Japanese Language and Culture Program Preparatory Course
Entrance examinations
KUGF Curriculum - All classes in the KUGF Curriculum are taught through a module system entirely in English.
Short Term Exchange Students
Tuition Reduction
Dormitories and Housing
Medical Insurance
International Exchange on Campus
School Calendar
Kansai University International Student Association
CARES-Osaka (Communal Actions for Resident and Employment Support by Osaka)
Kansai University Internationalization Strategy
Partner Universities
International Research
Division of International Affairs
International student's voice(Only Japanese)

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Kansai University

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
41 F : 59 M (1)
globe fill
International student percentage
4% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
11 (1)
Student total
29506 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at Kansai University

See below for a range of subjects taught at Kansai University

Physical Sciences1001+

  • Chemistry
  • Geology, Environmental, Earth and Marine Sciences
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Mathematics and Statistics


  • General Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Computer Science1001+

  • Computer Science