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IMC University of Applied Sciences - Krems

Krems an der Donau, Austria
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Basic information and contact details for IMC University of Applied Sciences - Krems


IMC University Of Appied Sciences Krems is located in Krems, Austria.

The university was established in 1994 and has three campuses across Krems.

IMC University Of Appied Sciences Krems offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes and students can choose whether to study on a full or part time basis to suit their needs. Students can choose from a range of courses including applied chemistry, business administration, management, informatics, wine business, physiotherapy, tourism and leisure management and many more. There are also continuing education courses in subjects such as surface technology.

Teaching is conducted in both German and English.

The international office at the university arranges study abroad trips for its students across its 162 partner universities.

The careers centre helps students to prepare for internships, job interviews, and to connect with potential employers through the university's portal.

The university carries out research in the areas of health, life sciences and business.

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