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Gulf University

Block 743, Bahrain
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Basic information and contact details for Gulf University


Located in Sanad, Bahrain, Gulf University specialises in the provision of higher education across the fields of business, law, and engineering. With eight undergraduate degrees and three master's degrees on offer to prospective students, the student body is relatively small. The university was established in 2002.

Student life at Gulf University is bustling, from public speaking to music activities.

On the academic side, students can choose from interior design engineering, law, human resources management, mass communication, and more.

Gulf offers a diverse, exciting campus environment with students from across Bahrain and the world. The university’s range of community parters help create well-rounded, motivated students who are involved in sports, business, and politics. Its community partners include Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society, General Authority for Sports, and Shura Council.

Students can get involved with the Sustainability and Development Makers Center on campus, which offers sustainability courses that focus on collaborative and interdisciplinary projects. The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship provides opportunities to turn ideas into successful projects.

Gulf University’s college of Communication and Media Technologies and the GU Media Production Centre was created in 2018 to give students access to tools and technology to develop the skills they need for the working world.

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