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Guangxi University

Nanning, China
1001–1200th in World University Rankings 2022
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Basic information and contact details for Guangxi University


Established in 1928, Guangxi’s first president was the famous scientist and educator Ma Junwu. It became a comprehensive university in 1936 with courses in liberal arts, sciences, engineering, agriculture and medicine. Then in 1939, it advanced to become a national university and by 1949, had five colleges with 22 different departments.

In 1997, Guangxi University and the former Guangxi Agricultural University merged.

It now has 30 colleges covering nine disciplines: philosophy, economics, law, liberal arts, science, engineering, agriculture, management and education. Colleges include: the college of public management, the college of commerce, the college of culture and mass communication, the college of foreign languages and the college of physical science, among others.

Located in Nanning, the capital city of Guangxi, the campus spreads 307 hectares, with a 1.2km² building area. It is not far from the Chinese border with Vietnam and has a warm tropical climate. The area is well-known for its green spaces like the People’s Park, which includes the White Dragon Lake, a hilltop fort and a botanical garden.

There is a library with over 2.52 million volumes, just under 100 laboratories, a demonstration base for modern agricultural techniques and 61 research institutes.

It has established links and academic exchanges with 100 universities or higher education establishments in 28 different countries.

Notable alumni include Dr. Yang Zhenning, a Nobel Prize winner and Pan Jiazheng, academician and vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Guangxi University

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
47 F : 53 M (1)
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International student percentage
2% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
19 (1)
Student total
39846 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2022

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