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China University of Geosciences, Beijing

Beijing, China
801–1000th in World University Rankings 2022
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Basic information and contact details for China University of Geosciences, Beijing


China University of Geosciences, Beijing is located in China’s capital, Beijing, and was founded in 1952 with its former title, Beijing College of Geology.

Over 200 of the university’s alumni have been deemed "model workers" by ministries or provinces, and the university prides itself on being a multi-disciplinary key university. The university emphasises its focus on the connection between education and geology, natural resources, environment and geological engineering.

The university has 17 schools overall, from engineering to ocean sciences to physical education. It also has a multi-faceted research institute, comprising of five main components: Science Research Institute, State Key Laboratory, Research Centre for Tibetan Plateau Geology, Geological Survey Institute, and the Geological Development and Research Centre.

The university’s 17 schools offer undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral degree programmes.

Students have access to a variety of resources to build upon their skills and interests while at university. The facilities on offer includes the news centre, gymnasium, journal centre and archives repository.

Notable alumni of the university includes Chinese mountaineer Li Zhixin, chief scientist of Chinese Lunar Project Ouyang Ziyuan and Wen Jiabao, former premier of China.

Beijing offers students a vibrant, multicultural atmosphere, where they can meet students from all over the world. Students often enjoy the nightlife in Beijing, whether in bars, clubs or hutongs. The city also offers a wealth of cultural sites to visit, such as the Forbidden City, Great Wall of China and Jingshan Hill. There’s the famous silk market, Olympic park and 798 Art District, offering something for everyone.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at China University of Geosciences, Beijing

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
36 F : 64 M (1)
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International student percentage
1% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
14.7 (1)
Student total
16408 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2022

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