Borders penalised for unfair dismissal
A senior lecturer in health studies at Borders College has been awarded the maximum compensation for unfair dismissal of Pounds 11,000 by an industrial tribunal. Sandra Lewis was made redundant after...
A senior lecturer in health studies at Borders College has been awarded the maximum compensation for unfair dismissal of Pounds 11,000 by an industrial tribunal. Sandra Lewis was made redundant after...
A lack of hard information on the benefits of training might explain why many British companies show a reluctance to devote resources to improving staff skills, according to a survey by the Brighton-...
Business and management course providers have emerged as too complacent in the latest quality assessments by the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council. Only one of 13 higher education...
School head teachers have offered to work with college principals to help heal the wounds caused by hostile local battles for 16-year-olds. Joint local curriculum boards and a code of practice on...
A Pounds 20 million Millennium Fund proposal for further education colleges envisages their becoming information centres for use by the whole community. The bid for cash by the Further Education...
There is uncertainty over future union support for the Educational Institute of Scotland's College Lecturers' Association as a result of the increasing localisation of education. The EIS is...
(Photograph) - Ahead by a nose: Jane Brett, a student on Plymouth University's degree course in perfumery, inhales the sweet smell of success. Students on the sandwich course, now in its second year...
New universities' growing use of teaching assistants and graduate students to deliver education on the cheap may lead to industrial action, said Natfhe, the university and college lecturers' union,...
Heriot-Watt University's Norwegian Students Association has led Edinburgh's celebrations of Norwegian Constitution day on May 17, marked by an early morning ascent of Arthur's Seat, (the nearest...
At the Association of Principals of Colleges annual conference, one of the day's key policy decisions was seen in action just hours later. Last business before dinner was the motion: "South West...
Veterinary schools are facing serious financial problems because a doubling of their undergraduate intakes has not been matched by funding increases, says the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons....
United Kingdom universities must take a more active approach to exporting education if they are to tap the rich potential of India, according to an internal report by the British Council, writes...
Vice chancellors are being canvassed by the Committee of Vice and Chancellors and Principals for their views on a single quality agency, as proposed by the chairman of the CVCP in a letter to the...
A final bid to keep Karl Popper's library in the country is being made by a group of friends and admirers headed by one of his former students at the London School of Economics. Last weekend, Sotheby...
It has not taken long for campus wags at Swansea to react to German lecturer Jim Hawes selling his first novel for sums that a privatised industry chief might regard with respect. The joke going the...