Positive link between ban on smoky coal and reduction in chronic lung diseases in older people

4 Oct 2023
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A new study from University of Limerick has found that the ban of smoky coal in Ireland led to a significant reduction in the probability of chronic lung diseases in older people.

Concerns on the effect of coal and other solid fuels on air quality and health led to the gradual extension of smoky coal bans during the last thirty years throughout Ireland, and the new UL study focused on the estimated effects the staggered extension of the ban had on lung health amongst the older Irish population.

The greatest damage to health from air pollution is caused by chronic exposure to particulate matter, primarily resulting from the combustion of fuels, such as for domestic heating, power generation, and in vehicle engines. This chronic exposure increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases including asthma, bronchitis, respiratory infections, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Read about the Effect of "Smoky” Coal Bans on Chronic Lung Disease Among Older People in Ireland’