Women in STEM: juggling a PhD, a business and motherhood
Amina Yonis balances her work in cancer research while running a proofreading and academic writing business, and looking after her two young children. In this video she shares how she manages her time and the challenges she has faced as a woman in STEM

Dr Amina Yonis juggles a lot of plates. She’s a cancer researcher, she runs a successful academic proofreading company (which has recently been accepted onto the King’s College business accelerator programme) and is a mother of two children under the age of two.
On this International Women’s Day, Amina shares her experiences of balancing all these priorities and the challenges she has faced and overcome as a woman in STEM and why it is sometimes rare to see women in academia. She believes that part of the reason for this is because it is often frowned upon to take a break in an academic career, which is something many women want to do in order to have children or look after dependents.
Amina also started a YouTube channel to talk about her experiences as a PhD student and found that there was an appetite from other students to learn more about academic writing, study and publishing. From this she started her business, The Page Doctor, which employs 16 freelance female editors from diverse backgrounds to provide academic advice to other students.
Learn more about Amina’s journey here and her tips for other women wishing to pursue a science PhD in the video below: