
There’s no mystery to how we calculate the scores for the institutions in the Emerging Economies Rankings. We start with our performance indicators then adjust them to reflect the characteristics of this special group of universities

9 May

Universities on both sides of the Atlantic are building up big debts, but is it prudent to bet on student numbers growing and super-low interest rates and high fees enduring? David Matthews examines the glut of recent bond issues, and how money makes money for the elite

Elite Japanese universities are renowned for their strength in research, but does their reputation also reflect quality in teaching? Times Higher Education’s student-focused Japan University Rankings and student experience survey offer some fascinating insights

28 March

We answer some of your questions about the forthcoming Times Higher Education Innovation Rankings

20 February

Just as the ‘little red dot’ city state has made an indelible mark on the global stage, president of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Subra Suresh examines how his institution has garnered attention

6 February

Ahead of THE’s Asia Universities Summit in Shenzhen, Jack Grove visits the city known as China’s Silicon Valley to assess whether its ambitious new university could really emulate Stanford – and eclipse its Hong Kong neighbours

1 February

Liberal arts colleges are often perceived as being elite and irrelevant. But the best among them excel in areas such as engagement and focus on critical thinking. Ellie Bothwell explores whether liberal arts education has become redundant – or simply needs a makeover

19 October