York posts £24 million deficit amid ‘unsustainable funding model’ Another alarm on university finances as Russell Group institution sees international student numbers fall by 16 per cent By John Morgan 24 January
Leading Swiss university plans international student places cap École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne says quality of education under pressure due to rapid enrolment growth By Emily Dixon 23 January
Regulator’s probe objects to student ‘sleeping in class’ OfS publishes latest minister-ordered business and management course investigations, finding ‘concerns’ at Bucks New and Wolverhampton By John Morgan 23 January
‘Cliquey’ governing bodies rely on ‘corporate boardroom ideology’ Interviews with council members suggest ‘business realists’ dominate and chairs are ‘too matey with senior management’, says CDBU report By John Morgan 23 January
The Netherlands’ new science policy is unevidenced, undebated and risky Previous output is by far the best predictor of future success, but has become far less important for Dutch funding allocation, says Raymond Poot By Raymond Poot 23 January
Open University failed to protect gender-critical scholar – judge Tribunal rules criminologist Jo Phoenix was forced out of institution, which was ‘fearful’ about being seen to support gender-critical beliefs By Chris Havergal 22 January
Norwegian minister resigns over plagiarism allegations Sandra Borch apologises for making ‘big mistake’ while completing her master’s thesis By Emily Dixon 22 January
UCU challengers: the candidates trying to unseat Jo Grady Union members voting on who should be next general secretary, with incumbent under pressure from all sides By Tom Williams 22 January
Lifelong learning ‘needs bespoke courses, not repackaged degrees’ Difficulties experienced during OfS short-course trial show universities will have to work far harder to attract students, say sector leaders By Tom Williams 22 January
Australia can teach England how to reboot widening access A reinforced focus on access and participation plans belies the collaboration that makes a real difference, say Graeme Atherton and Philip Dent By Graeme Atherton 22 January
Ukraine’s post-war recovery will depend on lifelong learning Making good the human capital losses resulting from Russia’s invasion will be vastly easier if the existing workforce can be reskilled, says Alexander Kostyuk By Alexander Kostyuk 20 January
V-c paid £515K for five-month stint at University of Law Craig Mahoney’s remuneration, including £340,000 compensation for loss of office, equivalent to about £4,500 a day By Patrick Jack 19 January