Wellcome Trust’s student housing firm held in Luxembourg Critics question why iQ, with UK property worth £2.2 billion, is registered offshore in favourable tax regime By John Morgan 19 September
France boosts international student numbers Increase may reflect efforts to target markets where UK has traditionally been strong By Matthew Reisz 18 September
Report cements fear of UK visa ‘deterrent’ for EU nationals But universities welcome Migration Advisory Committee call to end Tier 2 visa cap By John Morgan 18 September
Questions surround data used to reject UK post-study work visas Government’s lead migration adviser admits graduate earnings information is ‘not as good as we would like’ By John Morgan 18 September
Russian tension with West ‘further weakening’ research links Data on international collaboration show cross-border authorship share falling over recent years By Simon Baker 18 September
Number of academics working beyond 65 in UK doubles Data unclear on whether older scholars are keeping younger researchers out of jobs By Jack Grove 17 September
Taxpayer savings from England’s high-fees system ‘only small’ Last year’s move to ease burden on graduates means system is almost back to where it was before fees hike, IFS report suggests By Simon Baker 17 September
UKRI to tackle diversity problem in research The UK’s new research mega-body has huge power to tackle long-standing inequalities, says its new diversity tsar Jennifer Rubin By Jennifer Rubin 15 September
What’s the point of scholarly academies? As universities have turned to partisan lobbying and self-promotion, new head of Allea thinks ancient organisations now fill a crucial space in public debate By David Matthews 15 September
Israeli academics oppose Myanmar influence on curricula Controversial textbook deal comes under fire By Matthew Reisz 14 September
Italian PM ‘in running for law professorship’ Coalition leader Giuseppe Conte has been urged to back out formally of the race for a top university job By Jack Grove 14 September
CEU’s Ignatieff: Orbán still has ‘gun to my head’ despite EU vote Fears that MEPs’ move will make little significant difference to plight of Budapest-based university By David Matthews 14 September